Civil Protection breaks down PLASEQCAT device…

Civil Protection breaks down PLASEQCAT device…

The Civil Protection of Catalonia has deactivated the external emergency plan alert for the chemical sector in Catalonia (Plaskcat), which was maintained while firefighting work continued in several industrial warehouses in the Can Humet industrial area in Pollensa.

Price for Firefighters in Generalitat He finally pointed out that the confinement order for the Can Humet industrial area could be lifted since they had already been able to declare the fire extinguished.

to’Catalan Water Agency (ACA) He reported that due to the water shutdown, the Wastewater Treatment Plant (EDAR) in La Lagosta was affected, which saw a change in the treatment process and water quality, and as a result, the Besos River saw its water quality affected. Body Rural Agents It manages the impacts on the fauna of the Besos River. As a result of this lack of quality, the subsequent impacts on the Besos estuary, and the resulting bathing restrictions, the Special Emergency Plan for Marine Pollution in Catalonia (CAMCAT) was issued.

The Civil Protection CECAT coordinated the emergency with the various elements and is in constant contact with the affected municipalities. The presence of environmental quality technicians in the area to take air quality measurements was also managed, in conjunction with the Anti-Corruption Authority.

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