Citta della Senza presents “Bourbon Babies Lab”, a program dedicated to the study of coffee

Citta della Senza presents “Bourbon Babies Lab”, a program dedicated to the study of coffee

It’s always time for a good sip coffee, especially when it comes to Neapolitan espresso, a fun ritual that has been passed down from generation to generation for decades. Well, inside a cup of coffee there is more than you see: work, dedication, time, sacrifice, tradition and science. This weekend’s champions, Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April, are Bourbon Children’s Lab.Many entertaining and educational workshops on coffee for young and old in cooperation with Bourbon coffeeis a famous Naples roaster founded in 1997, sensitive to sustainability and the environment.

As part of the scheduled activities, it will be possible to enjoy making beautiful flowers bloom from pods; Prepare delicious and healthy biscuits using the mode (in cooperation with the Department of Pharmacy Federico II and Ceinge) and enrich the soil of plants with the nutrients contained in ground coffee. There will also be strange and interesting tales about the history of the most drunk drink in the world.

This weekend it will also be possible to participate in the scientific activities carried out with Cervene – the regional veterinary reference center for non-epidemic emergencies through “Bee Friendly: Let’s make friends with bees!” And link with CasaBio Formation Center in Senegal. As always, it will be possible to make guided visits to the Interactive Museum of the Human Body, the Insect and Participation Gallery, and many other new exhibition tracks and to attend the exceptional displays of the Planetarium.

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