CICAP FEST 2022: The Festival of Science and Curiosity returns to Padova

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From 3 to 5 June CICAP . FestivalThe Science and Curiosity FestivalNow in its fifth edition.

What role will science and scientific culture in general play in determining the future between utopian aspirations and the reality already in progress? What will be the discoveries and inventions that will change human life and the planet – from health to nutrition, from technology to space exploration? What seemed like science fiction became reality, and what today looks like science fiction will one day become a reality? How does science help us and how will it help us confront the tangible dangers facing humanity and the planet? These and many other questions that CICAP . Festival It will propose to provide an answer during the 2022 edition, discussing the social, political and cultural aspects of science, necessary to prepare society for scientific developments and to direct science in a direction consistent with what citizens want for their future.

“This year we decided to dedicate the CICAP Festival to trying to understand and imagine the ‘science of the world to come,'” he explains Massimo BolidoroFestival Director. “With a world changing faster and faster, in fact much of our knowledge is at risk of becoming very old very soon, and therefore, we will ask ourselves how science, with its ability to explain reality, can help us keep pace with the evolution of society. Of course, we will also discuss discoveries potentially disruptive sciences that create fear and debate, such as artificial intelligence, some technologies for energy production or genetic modifications.”

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“We will also ask ourselves how citizens can give their fingerprint, or simply their opinions, to scientific progress,” he explains. Daniela Ovadia, Scientific Coordinator of the CICAP Festival. “there Scientific citizenship, along with citizen science, or participatory science, appears to provide the possibility for citizens to directly participate in research, but it also assumes that citizens are invited to discuss scientific issues and have their own space for training and discussion: we, and thus, how the community itself can contribute in the advancement of scientific research, and consequently in the improvement of everyone’s life.”

“Science navigates in uncertainty and often makes unexpected discoveries, yet it sometimes manages to make reliable predictions and above all to warn us of the dangers we face,” says the professor. Telmo BivaniDelegate for communication and scientific publication at the University of Padova. “Models on Climate change has always predicted what is happening today. The epidemic was predicted in detail ten years ago, but we do not pay enough attention to this data. CICAP Fest 2022 returns with wonderful guests, in a special edition to mark the 800th anniversary of the University of Padua, to talk about the future, a future read through the lenses of science, rationality and curiosity.”

Like every year, the CICAP . Festival You will pledge to dismantle the hoaxes and pseudoscientific hoaxes that pollute public debate, with the unwavering goal of sharing tools and best practices to help everyone distinguish between truth and lies, and to address serious issues through ostensibly lighter approaches. This year, in particular, bearing in mind the idea of ​​”time travel” we will wonder about his future yesterday To understand tomorrow. In the first half of the twentieth century, an era full of tensions and struggles, when we thought about the future we imagined it as exciting and full of stimulating prospects; However, not only have the promises of science fiction been kept, but we also seem to have lost enthusiasm for an extraordinary future: what happened along the way?

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Promoted by CICAP, in association withUniversityThe subscriberand the Padova County,The CICAP . Festival He will propose, as always, present and flowing meetings with some of the most beautiful names in science, publishing and culture, Italian and international, dealing with the most diverse topics: from the environmental crisis to climate change, from artificial intelligence to space exploration, from the search for drugs and vaccines to inequalities health.

The usual attention of schools and teachers will be devoted to a schedule entirely dedicated to them: At CICAP Fest EDUwhich participated in the previous edition more than 6000 girls and boys, which this year anticipates the actual festival: Four days of meetings flow, From 26 to 29 April, is for female students and high school students from all over Italy. Tuesday, April 26, a journey through the lens of a microscope to discover the “invisible world” that medical research workers have to deal with every day, in collaboration with AIRC Foundation; Wednesday 27, with the pharmacist and the known Silvano Fuso We will talk about the concept of “natural” in agriculture, chemistry and cosmetics, while Agnes Colino, the famous and scientific supervisor of the Veronesi Foundation, will analyze the epidemic of the past, polio, to understand the lessons we can draw from it in the present; Thursday 28 meteorologist Elisa in dress An astrophysicist will address the issue of climate change Luca Perry It will explain the dangers of an information epidemic and the importance of taking a critical approach to the many data and information we target every day; Friday 29th Flag of the Messengers Alessandro Vitali and Davide Balai Will present “Escape Smoke”, a brand new escape room on the theme of smoking Umberto Veronese Foundation In cooperation with Museum of History of Medicine in Padovaa meeting will be held with Fabiana ZuluComputer researcher on the phenomenon of computer-mediated misinformation.

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