Chronicle Europe – sweltering heat between France and England reaches 43 degrees Celsius, a historic record in London as the airport runway melts. Photos and videos «3B Meteo

Chronicle Europe – sweltering heat between France and England reaches 43 degrees Celsius, a historic record in London as the airport runway melts.  Photos and videos «3B Meteo
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Tuesday, July 19 of the shooting who – which It will remain in the meteorological records For the extreme and unprecedented temperatures reached by several European sites. who thought that The terrible summer of 2003 If it was a historical event, it was necessary to reconsider in the light of the facts. London record collapsed from 2003 When the city reached a maximum of 38.5 degrees Celsius, Metoffice recently reported an investigation of ben 40.2 degrees Celsius at London Heathrow While some tracksLuton Airport Yesterday, they became unusable due to the merging of the asphalt sections with the consequent suspension of some flights. Londoners are not ready In this heat, there are very few homes equipped with air conditioning, and the authorities have advised everyone, especially the elderly, not to leave the house.

But London is not alone in experiencing this African wave, it is in good company with many cities France Where it exceeded 40 degrees Celsius to reach the threshold of 43°C in Biscarros is practically on the Bay of Biscay sea, 42 °C in La Roche and Nantes. 40 degrees Celsius from Bordeaux and 39°C in downtown Paris Which could be slightly revised during the afternoon hours. In some areas of the city, peaks of 40 ° C are recorded, for example in Montsouris where the column of mercury touched 40.4 ° C (this is confirmed). It’s not better for Holland and Belgium Where 36°C was broadly exceeded with peaks of 37/38°C approximately to the North Sea coast. These sayings followed the gods Really exceptional minimum night values ​​like i 27°C in Nice and 25°C in London. In these last hours Heat reaches Germany, Denmark and Scandinavia the South. In Germany, there are already peaks of 37 ° C in Dusseldorf, 36 ° C in Bonn, 36 ° C in Frankfurt, and tomorrow Wednesday will be worse. The extreme heat was also an indirect cause of the spread many fires.

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Conditions improved only slightly in Spain The northwest and Portugal are reached by the cooler but still very hot western ocean currents in the central regions and the Mediterranean. In any case heat wave underway It won’t last long for Central and Northern Europe. pillar of fire That ascended from North Africa will gradually move towards the east-northeast leaving space from the west to the Atlantic currents, and it also portends some strong thunderstorms by Thursday between the UK, France and the North Sea. It will remain hot in Scandinavia, the Baltic states and Russia until Friday, then the situation will tend to normalize. A different letter instead‘south of Europe What will happen I was exposed to a new heat wave Heading this time mainly to the Iberian Peninsula, the Mediterranean, Italia And the Balkan sector, even Greece and Turkey, will have its peak at the weekend.

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