Chemistry becomes a spectacle: science and technology from humanism

Chemistry becomes a spectacle: science and technology from humanism

FERMO – After passing two selections, the last one in “Science on Stage Italia”, the The project Amazing educational innovation chemistry He made it to the “Science on Stage Europe” which you know happened in Prague.

It is to the great satisfaction of the chemists of Montagne and the honor of the city that of the eleven projects that represented Italy, one has been discontinued. It is: “Symphony of Atoms, Alchemy of Notes: The School of Athens by Raphael” by Teresa Seschi and Ariana Giuliani.

The show traces the history of matter science with the philosophers drawn by Raphael, producing a stunning musical alchemical synchrony relating to the four elements Pythagoras, the Aristotelian and Ptolemaic heavens, the atom of Epicurus, and the alchemy of Averroè, Gonzaga and the universal. Diogenes to educate new generations in science and technology inspired by the values ​​of human culture.

In Prague, it was possible to meet hundreds of colleagues, selected from all over Europe, to exchange ideas for effective scientific education and initiatives to be developed in the future in our region in various stem disciplines.

DiNiccol, M. Mancinelli, M. Mora, S. Ovidani, M. Rutelli, N. Vittore and students A. Gironacci, c. Grandi, G.; Iaccini; De Rossini, M.; Interactive onstage in this fun educational experience. Massimo Mazzoni and students of the State Conservatory “GB Pergolesi” presented the compositions.

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