Checks are run checking account

Checks are run checking account

Cash is used much less than in the past. However, there are some things it is better not to do with that money.

Checks are run checking account
What not to do with money –

Withdraw money It has become obsolete compared to the past, as modern payment methods have become more sophisticated and dependent on virtualization. However, some people, especially the elderly, can only keep some banknotes in their homes, so that they can better manage any kind of transactions. emergency. While criticism is appropriate in one respect, it can be extremely uncomfortable and dangerous in other respects. Actually, there are some operations which can make you suspiciousrevenue agency It is for this reason that the utmost care must be taken. Let’s find out together what it is.

Why can using cash be dangerous?

Until a few years ago, it was completely normal to withdraw cash and use it for purchases. But nowadays, there are many aspects that can lead to this anomaly After using these financial instruments. The law has actually established before border For those who want to use banknotes, Items that can be useful where they are feared Scams and scams at the expense of the state.

What not to do with money
What not to do with money –

This is exactly the reason behindrevenue agency I started doing more check Specifically for the purpose of eliminating the suspects Ban all kinds Revenge against state coffers.

Withdrawing cash can be very risky because if this happens theft or robbery, The money will be lost and it will not be possible to recover it in any way. In case you only have one available paper It will be easier to manage, prevent and avoid any form of emergency withdrawal or payment.

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What not to do with money: Activities are not recommended

As expected before, the use of cash can arouse suspicions in the Revenue Agency, above all where well-defined operations are carried out by law. It is important to know that the first thing you never do with an i monetary He made gods payments on your current account.

Do not use cash for these transactions
Do not use cash for these operations –

In fact, any process that is not substantiated or verified can arouse very strong suspicions in the revenue agency which may lead to check direct. This is also in the event that the money is gifts from friends and relatives, as it is always necessary to provide clarifications regarding it The origin of the money.

The same applies to use undisclosed money, which can cause Enter per person about 20% more than what was reported to the state. In this case, it is not recommended to carry it out Buy luxury goods Or use the tax code for insurance policies, medical expenses, and last-minute trips. In fact, these are very high expenses that are difficult to manage and difficult to motivate.

Paying cash: a revenue agency assessment

Those mentioned above are just some of the processes that can generate gods doubts by the IRS. Other doubts may appear when the user goes to make visits Private and specialized doctors using tax deductions. And this is exactly the reason why it is impossible to pay in cash.

As well as the expected costs of renewal One house located at this point, as many Builders and construction companies They only carry out services in exchange for payment by safer means. Among these, the most popular is speaking transfer. All this just supports Anti-money laundering law Which in particular requires very specific limits in terms of usage monetary.

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Suspects, on the other hand, do not arise in the case withdrawal Since banks set this figure as a maximum 10,000 euros per month which you can pick up without difficulty. If you respect all these steps, you will be able to use monetary Where the law still allows it, and above all, not to tickle the appetite of the Revenue Agency in any way. It takes very little to get under the lights and wake a sleeping dog, so be careful!

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