Carola Rackete? Other than the heroine of immigrants: that’s what she’s doing today

Carola Rackete?  Other than the heroine of immigrants: that’s what she’s doing today

new life for Carola Rackete. Former captain of the NGO Watching the sea She “only volunteered for six months” and today she’s traveling in theAntarctica And not only. Champion of immigrants, who just four years ago imposed the blockade ordered by the Minister of the Northern League Matthew SalviniNow for shipments. After graduating from the Naval School in Bremen, and graduating in nature conservation near Liverpool, Carola returned to Antarctica. As revealed by Oggi weekly, Rackete left last February to accompany a research expedition of the Alfred Wegener Institute and the University of Hamburg on its ninth expedition to the South Pole.

Also read: Salvini demolishes Carola Rackete twice: ‘German mint’? but…

But that’s not all, because before sailing he created a five-episode podcast. the end? Tells The struggles of indigenous communities Global South, against new forms of neo-colonialism and for the promotion of climate justice. But that’s not all, because among the many excursions there is also a trip to Argentina. Here Carola goes on to document how the oil industry is poisoning the water levels in the Rio Negro.

Also read: Carola Racketti, Pietro Sinaldi rushes: “A useful idiot. Like Orwell’s pigs…”

Just two weeks ago, the Senate decided not to proceed against Salvini, who is accused of gross defamation against Rackete herself. In physical time, with Salvini owner of Viminale, there was a long tug of war between the two. Here, he introduced the 34-year-old leader of the gang on social networking sites.The feat who makes politics On the skin of a few dozen immigrants” and “wealthy German outlaws.” On the other hand, a patrol boat of finances just rammed.

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