Car incentives, very important news for everyone: a completely distorted market

Car incentives, very important news for everyone: a completely distorted market

What would the car market look like without government incentives? The rest of Europe is also moving in this direction: big news

The end always justifies the means, though cars world. And so, after two really tough years, ones that were very marked by the pandemic, and 2022 that provided some comforting data, market in Europe I took off again. Thanks also to government incentivesBut they don’t always work the same way.

Rain incentives, distorted market –

Let’s start with Preparation And you need to be patient to read them all in order to understand the scale of the phenomenon. second AsiaEuropean Automobile Manufacturers Association June 2023 The car market in the European Union by 17.8%. Total registrations were 1,045,073 units, compared to 887,071 last year. Expanding to the UK and EFTA countries (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), we reached 1,265,678, an increase of 18.7% compared to 2022.

There are two main factors. On the one hand Greater availability of vehicles At agents, after supply disruptions caused by the pandemic. but also supports That awarded local governments in many countries to buy new cars to replenish the fleet.

In all this is included electric vehicle data. It is true that the largest share of the car market in Europe still goes towards petrol cars with 36.3%. But connect those They reached 15.1%While diesel stopped at 13.4%. A historical transcendence if we want, in line with what the future market will be like in the European Union.

This is also evidenced by other figures, those published by the analysis company Jato Dynamics. 2022 was a big year for Production and sale of electric carsI’m in Europe. New registrations of BEVs have reached all-electric models 1.56 millionWith a growth of 29% compared to 2021.

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However, there are important differences to note. In fact, Norway holds 79% of the market share for electric vehicles, while Italy rose to only 3.7% in 2022, down from 4.6% in 2021. The European average, on the other hand, is equal to 13.9%.

Car incentives, very important news: Europe is not going at the same speed

All of this also derives from the choices made by governments to encourage the purchase of new models. Both in Italy Draghi government but also current led Georgia Meloni They don’t fully believe in electrocuting by focusing on other methods.

Goal Project “Fit for 55”already introduced by the European Commission in July 2021, will be reduced by 2030 polluting emissions By 55% compared to 1990 levels. Then another 20 years to reach so-called “carbon neutrality” by 2050.

How electric cars work in Europe (Ansa Photo) –

In all this, therefore, the government incentives Which is now a necessity in every European country but with important differences. Let’s see them together to understand how governments are moving and what are the future scenarios.

Let’s start from Germany It is certainly an important example in terms of the volume of production and the circulating fleet of machines. Since January 2023, the incentives given to all those wishing to buy an electric car have decreased.

A careful choice of the government that believes it no longer has to drive the purchase because the population has now acquired the right decision-making autonomy. Thus, 200 million euros have been allocated to encourage fast charging infrastructure and 100 million to normal infrastructure.

On the other hand, motorists will get 4,000 euros for a non-hybrid electric car (6,000 until 2022) and 3,000 euros for a plug-in hybrid (4,500 a year ago). It applies to the purchase of new cars, the price of which is less than 60,000 euros.

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in France From January 1 this year the incentives have been reduced. For the purchase of a car at a price of less than 47,000 euros, a contribution of 5,000 euros (but it was 6,000 in 2022) is given to natural persons and 3,000 to legal entities. For trucks with a maximum weight of 3.5 tons, the bonus increases to 6,000 euros.

There are also economic facilities for Low-income families, equal to or less than 14,089 euros for those who intend to buy a new car. In this case, the contribution is equal to 7,000 euros for the car and 8,000 euros for the truck.

in Spain Incentives for registering an electric vehicle range between 4,500 and 7,000 euros. The reward changes according to the type of vehicle and the final scrapping of another vehicle. Incentives are also envisaged for the installation of recharge points: for private citizens a refund of up to 70% and for companies from 35% for large companies to 55% for smaller ones.

Finally in United kingdom Some rewards remain reserved for specific low emission vehicle classes. 35% off list price up to £2,500. There is also a refund of up to 75% of the cost for all electric vehicle owners who install the charging box for home recharging.

Petrol, diesel and electricity, this is how incentives work in Italy: all numbers

How does the Car incentives 2023 in Italy? It all started with the Draghi government, which allocated 700 million euros for 2022 and 1 billion euros annually from 2023 to 2030. Funds already earmarked for the environmental transformation of the auto industry.

Electric vehicle incentives, Italy decided (media press) –

In particular Divide the amount Of the year this was:

  • 190 million euros for the purchase of electric cars (range 0-20 g/km CO2)
  • 235 million euros for the purchase of plug-in hybrid cars (range 21-60 g/km CO2)
  • 150 million euros for the purchase of ICE cars (range 61-135 g/km CO2)
  • 15 million euros for the purchase of N1 and N2 electric commercial vehicles
  • 35 million euros for the purchase of electric bicycles and scooters
  • 5 million euros for the purchase of ICE motorcycles and scooters.
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What is it Respect rules? The price of electric vehicles and ICE vehicles in the range of 0-20g/km and 61-135g/km must be equal to or less than €35,000 (including accessories, excluding VAT, IPT and roads). On the other hand, the price of plug-in hybrid cars in the range of 21-60 g / km must be equal to or less than 45,000 euros (always including accessories but excluding VAT, IPT and road registration).

In the scrap vehicles All models with an emissions class below Euro 5 are included, regardless of registration date. The car must be in the name of the buyer or a family member who has lived there for at least 12 months. There is a commitment to maintain ownership of the vehicle purchased with the 2023 incentives for at least 12 months.

Also repair a file Maximum amounts To buy a model with 2023 car incentives:

  • €5,000 with scrapping and €3,000 without scrap for M1 vehicles of at least €6 in the 0-20g/km emissions range (electric vehicles).
  • €4,000 with scrapping and €2,000 without scrap for M1 vehicles of at least €6 in the 21-60g/km emissions range (Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles).
  • €2,000 only with scrapping for M1 vehicles at least €6 in the 61-135g/km emissions range (full/mild hybrid cars, petrol, diesel, methane, LPG).

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