Calaf seniors present the multi-art show “Escala en Hi-fi” on Saturday

Calaf seniors present the multi-art show “Escala en Hi-fi” on Saturday

Calaf seniors present the multi-art show “Escala en Hi-fi” on SaturdayPrivate file

Calaf nursing home retirees Introducing this one Saturday at 6 pm The stunning “Escala en Hi-fi”, a representation of diverse musical genres, is interpreted in a play-off, along with poems, recited dances, and group choreographies. This model was made in recent years in Calaf, with the interpreted pieces changed. It is a proposal that is offered free of charge and open to the public. So much so that this year it will be shown in the theater with the largest capacity casal theatre, With 600 seats.

The poem El Campanar de Calaf will be recited, the sardana will be danced, and pieces from diverse musical genres such as Samanta, Carmen Sevilla or Núria Feliu will be performed. In some shows, up to 16 people are on stage. The show can last more than two hours. There are about thirty numbers, but to make it more flexible there will be a quick video of the current actors and actresses and a still photo of the person who played them at the time. There’s also a lot of individual effort in the wardrobe.

This show was made outside Calaf before the pandemic. Now, at the moment, it is not considered, but not ruled out. Entry to view these shows is free.

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