Caffe della Senza, Cabrai was elected president. New offices

Caffe della Senza, Cabrai was elected president.  New offices

Saturday 25 June 2022 – 13:04

Antonio Capray, a former CNR from Pisa, was unanimously elected president. Coordinating members will collaborate with him: Claudio Bocciani, Vice President and Coordinator; Lorenzo Mori, Vice President and Coordinator; Paulo Naniberi, Assistant to the President; Maria Laura Falcone, Secretary and Treasurer; Carlo Burnacini is in charge of the organization. Emiliano Carnieri, Director of Communications, Giacomo Milani, podcast interviews

A large number of shareholders attended the meeting “Science Coffee” Renewing internal positions after the resignation of the outgoing president Paulo Naniberi in order to 12 years He led this association which distinguished itself due to its numerous scientific initiatives which were very successful even among the citizens of Livorno. It has hosted many valuable scientists who have tackled issues ranging from global warming to the pandemic of Covid 19, from gravitational waves to marine system logistics until the drafting of the MOU to digitize systems In the municipalities of Colesalvetti and Livorno.
He was unanimously elected president Antonio Capray, the former CNR of Pisa. Coordination members will cooperate with him: Claudio BoccianiVice President and Coordinator; Lorenzo MoreVice President and Coordinator; Paulo Naniberiassistant to the president; Maria Laura Falconesecretary and treasurer; Carlo Burnciniresponsible for the organization; Emiliano Carniericontact person, Giacomo Milaniand podcast interviews.
The association had many interventions by the members who shed light How the activities of the Caffè della Scienza are being followed more and more with greater interest and initiatives are being proposed to improve the delivery of events.

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