Brasilia Like Capitol Hill, Bolsonaro Supporters Attack – The World

Brasilia Like Capitol Hill, Bolsonaro Supporters Attack – The World

upward voltage Brazil where is she A supporter of former President Jair Bolsonarowho do not accept the victory of the new President Iñácio Lula da Silva, stormed the buildings of major state institutions in a similarly recalled raid two years ago on Capitol Hill in Washington by Trump fans.

Brazilian police also regained control of the Planalto building, the residence of the presidency, after the seat of the Federal Supreme Court. This was reported by O Globo, adding that the security forces are still busy expelling Bolsonaro supporters from Congress.

Police used tear gas to try to hold back thousands of people, but managed to break through the security cordon around Parliament in Brasilia at the end of a demonstration in support of the former president. Many managed to climb the slope of the building to occupy the roof and from there they got inside.

The Bolsonarians also attacked the Planalto building, the seat of the executive power, and, according to reports by “CNN Brazil”, they also attacked the building of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). The Supreme Court headquarters was also attacked. The current president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is not in Brasilia at the moment but is in the state of São Paulo visiting some of the flooded areas. Lula held an emergency meeting with the executive ministers after the attack. Local media reported that the meeting was attended by the ministers of defence, justice and institutional relations.

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Lula da Silva condemned the “vandal and fascist” attack. against democratic institutions by supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro and decreed the intervention of federal forces. These are the first decisions made by the president and announced at a press conference. “All those responsible will be identified and prosecuted,” Lula added. These people must be punished in an exemplary manner.” The Labor leader warned that they would “pay with full force of the law,” calling them “terrorists.” He added, “We are evaluating the possibility of ‘deploying’ the army for the clean-up.”

The protesters, who were dressed in yellow and green uniforms and, according to reports from O Globo, engaged in acts of vandalism. Videos posted by people inside the court, the Brazilian newspaper wrote, show people breaking seats in the plenary session.

In the Palazzo Planalto, in the square where the presidential residence, the Brazilian Parliament and the Supreme Court are located, “windows were broken.” In total, there will be thousands of Bolsonarians inside the buildings of Brazilian political and administrative power with police forces, in riot gear, ready to storm the occupied Parliament. Government officials waited for them to be evacuated by air. Exactly two years after the attack on Capitol Hill, the same thing was repeated, with practically identical modalities and alliances: Bolsonaro’s right-wing fighters, like Trump loyalists, decided not to respect the response of opinion polls that gave a victory to the ‘left’. And it is passed on to the armed offensive at a point when Bolsonaro risks arrest for managing the Covid emergency.

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Against the former president, at the time the subject of a parliamentary commission of inquiry (CPI) on the pandemic, senators first in the opposition and now in government intend to re-submit complaints: in fact, the leader of the right no longer enjoys the privileged forum, which is the right of the highest offices of the state in Not being criminally prosecuted by the general courts. But Bolsonaro, who did not congratulate Lula on his election, left Brazil on December 30, two days before the end of his term, and boarded the presidential plane of the Air Force to Florida, in the United States. “This vain attempt to impose the will by force will not prevail. The government of the Federal District says there will be reinforcements. The forces at our disposal are working. I am at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice,” tweeted Brazil’s Justice Minister Flavio Dino. The Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, condemned the “terrorist acts” seen in Brasília and asserted that the coup plotters must “submit immediately to all the rigor of the law”. Pacheco also said he heard the governor of Brasilia, Ibañes Rocha, on the phone. “I spoke a little while ago, on the phone, with the Governor of the Federal District, Ibáñez Rocha,” who informed him that he was “focusing on the efforts of the entire police service to control the situation.” The security forces of the Federal District are involved – confirmed Rocha – along with a unit Police available one Parliament.

Military police fired stun guns and rubber bullets from helicopters to disperse pro-Bolsonaro demonstrators who invaded institutional buildings in Brasilia, As reported by local media. All the windows on the first floor of the Senate were smashed and some demonstrators had already entered the second floor. Although the legislative police and bomb squad had recovered the congressional access ramp, the upper part of the building was still occupied.

“Absolute condemnation of the attack on democratic institutions in Brazil. Full support for President Lula da Silva, democratically elected by millions of Brazilians through fair and free elections,” the EU Council president wrote in a tweet, Charles Michel.

“We condemn the attacks on the presidency, the Congress and the Supreme Court of Brazil. The use of violence to attack democratic institutions is not always acceptable. We join President Lula in urging an immediate end to these actions,” Brazil’s minister wrote on Twitter. blinkin.

Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani said, “I am following with concern what is happening in Brazil. Any act of violence against democratic institutions must be condemned with great firmness. The results of elections must always be respected.”

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