Bologna, Neuroscience Research Foundation for Healthcare Aid – Chronicle

Bologna, Neuroscience Research Foundation for Healthcare Aid – Chronicle

Bologna, 5 July 2022 – concrete aid for healthcare in Bologna, by solid model And able to share public and private entities, companies operating in various sectors, profitable and not-for-profit realities. is a neuroscience research institution, USL in Bologna ETS, was born on March 30, and today, it has been presented to the city from the inside For the registered office in Via Castiglione.

Among the main objectives, promotion and financing scientific reseach in neurosciences, as well as supporting projects aimed at improving the quality of services for patients and their families. A new path, therefore, did not immediately hesitate to trace the first design lines, and its realization was highly desired by various realities, such as the local health authority of Bologna – IRCCS Institute of Neurosciences, Alessandro Arcadecono – Fondazione Bembo TU, Rekeep SpA, Fatro SpA, Emil Banca – Cooperative Credit – Cooperative, Logimatic SRL and Masterpiece SRL Mechanical Machines.

“The purpose is Combine public and privateto get more and more stimuli in the research field – confirms Paolo Bourdon, General Manager Ausl -. It is important to rethink a model seeking skill-based funding, and they are many. Important to do here, Palazzo Pizzardi, donated by the congenial Marquis who left us a hundred years ago. A century later we are still here, in a new light, the light of the institution.”

Covenant headed by Professor Pietro Cortelli, the operational director of the IRCCS Institute of Neurosciences in Bologna. On the other hand, the Scientific Technical Committee includes Professor Francesco Obertini as Chair, Isabella Sragnoli, General Director of Telethon Francesca Pasinelli, General Director of the Bologna Business School Alessandro Bonfiglioli and Scientific Director of the IRCCS Neuroscience Institute Professor. Raphael Lodi.

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