For a year now, high energy prices have affected not only the Italian territory, but the entire European continent. To be precise, it all started about a year ago, at the dawn of the conflicts that broke out in Ukraine, which, unfortunately, left scars on European lands in general.
First of all, we have actually recorded an increase in the cost of food raw materials, including for example basic and basic commodities such as peanut seed oil and many others, which has led to subsequent inflation at the level of the food sector in general.
In addition, we also remember the increase that has occurred with regard to the cost of energy, both for electricity and for methane. It is clear that these increases have forced the main energy supply companies (such as Enel Energia, in the case of the Italian territory) to raise the cost of energy bills, causing a lack of concern at the level of the general population.
Fortunately, in all this difficult situation, prompt and timely interventions by the major European governments were not missing. In the case of the Italian government, it has in fact implemented various measures, including in particular the Aiuti-Bis decree and the Aiuti-Ter decree, which introduced, among other things, an energy bonus of 150 euros, which can be deducted without any problem from the total cost of bills monthly energy.
In addition, we also remember all the tax breaks and incentives for the purchase of new generation appliances, which allow you to consume much less electricity than conventional appliances, allowing you to achieve significant savings at the end of the year. Finally, regional incentives have been added to install a photovoltaic system inside the home.
Useful Tips
Unfortunately, all this huge aid was not enough for many Italian families, who despite everything are still struggling to make ends meet. Therefore, we will give you a helpful suggestion to consume less and thus receive less expensive bills at the end of the month.
The best ally we can have in addressing energy cost is Energy electricity meter: With a simple click on the main button, it is in fact possible to instantly display our daily consumption within the home environment, in a way that optimizes it. By pressing the button twice, we will also be able to view the time period for that particular moment: we know in fact that power contracts are usually based on two (or more) time periods, some of which are obviously more favorable than others.
Therefore, our advice is to use the devices preferentially during the most convenient time periods (which usually coincide with the evening or during the weekend), in order to spend less on bills at the end of the month.
“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”