Because it is so dangerous, it marks a turning point in the war-

Because it is so dangerous, it marks a turning point in the war-

Putin delivered the harshest speech towards the West, in a climate of exasperation where he indicated the possibility of using all means to defend the lands that “will remain ours forever.” Now, it is up to the United States and Europe to respond

If a countdown ends, another countdown must start immediately. with Russian President Vladimir Putin It has always been like this. After the usual twenty minutes delay, the Russian President celebrated his personal birthday inannexation He does better.

When everyone condemns him with his back to the wall, aloof, in trouble, raises the bet.

It is a method he learned in his youth in St Petersburg. Communalka where he lived was a rat infested building. He and his friends chased them into the yard with sticks. One day, a large rat who managed to corner him responded by attacking him with fury, causing him to take on what he still considers to be his life’s greatest fears even today. “No one should be trapped,” he always repeats, accompanying the story of that distant episode. “No one should get to the point where they have no way out.” Because it gets worse and more dangerous.

how it was The speech started today With words that may seem surreal defile the ears. “I am sure The decision to bring the republics of Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions will have everyone’s support because it is the will of millions of people… ». But the truth, or fact-checking, never matters in the speeches of the Russian president. What matters is only the true meaning of the message, the rest are just useless trappings.

Beginning with his historical analyzes, always equating himself and his personal obsessions, such as judging the end of the Soviet Union as the greatest tragedy in history, he used this time to justify the annexation of the four new republics into Ukrainian lands. The Soviet Union is gone. It cannot be returned. Russia does not need the rebirth of the Soviet Union, and we do not aspire to it. But nothing is stronger than the insistence of the people to return to their original homeland.

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The only thing that matters is the constant playing with fire, declaring that his land is not yet under Russian control, in fact.

Each time we return to the Putin delusion, which derives the consequences from clear signals.
Instead, even today he turned the tables.

Calls to stop have come from India and, in a more veiled way, from China to Samarkand summit
, puzzled by the two most loyal allies Kadyrov and Lukashenko, the exodus of his compatriots who risk conscription and have no intention of dying for Kherson? This is all real propaganda, not anti-Russian propaganda. But Putin acted as if they were not there.

The boy from St. Petersburg reacted like a mouse.
He gave the most difficult speech to the United States and the West in the past twenty years.

The famous speech given in Munich in 2007, which made the decision to theoretically reject the bipolar world he had always accepted until then, is fresh water by comparison. It is an academy, whereas today’s academy is quite challenging.

The West wants to continue plundering the world with the help of the dictates of the dollar and the use of the rent that comes from its domination. Hence its aggression against independent cultures and traditional values, and hence the attempts to blow up new development centers. For them, it is important that the authorities of states cede their sovereignty. The dissident states disintegrate, the Nakba areas and terrorist pockets remain. The reasons for the hybrid war waged by the West against Russia lie in greed. They want to see us as slaves, our culture is dangerous to them so they want to abolish it. He does not need Russia at all. But Russia is good for us, for us, for us.”

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His speech consisted of 26 paragraphs, exactly half of which begin with “United States”, as if to seek a conviction in court, and then turned into an attack on “Anglo-Saxons”, out of need for insult. Even the UK, accused of not being invited to a funeral Queen Elizabetha decision that seems to have bothered him greatly, as on every occasion in which he feels diminished in importance.

“What is the Western belief that the neoliberal model is better than any other except racism? The United States carried out a genocide of Indians in America and of the population in India and in other colonies. They searched for land and resources for man. This is against human nature itself… We are proud that the anti-movement Colonialism arose in our country… The West tried several times to weaken Russia but only managed to get our fortune at the end of the twentieth century… When thousands of billions of dollars were pumped out of our country even though they called us friends.’

There was no shortage of references to Satanism reigns supreme in the United States With the usual homophobia: “Do we also want a second parent and father instead of a mother and father?”.

L ‘Ukraine It hasn’t been mentioned even once, but it’s not new.

The goal was only one, and that was to terrorize the Westemits a powerful sound, proving your readiness for anything, even the indescribable.

“The United States is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons twice. By the way, creating a precedent… ».

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It’s not a random sentence, Putin never explodes. Threatening, sowing salt on the wounds of others, trying to disperse.

Anglo-Saxons demand more sanctions against Russia, European politicians obediently accept, even if this process led to the complete decline of industrialization in Europe. This means betraying your people. They are accustomed to drowning the truth in a sea of ​​lies, to lying as Goebbels did. But you can’t feed people with dollar and euro credit cards and heat them up with capital inflated by energy companies. We need the hydrocarbons that we have. So politicians in Europe have to convince people to wash less and wear heavy clothes. The dissidents are silent, and Russia is to blame for everything.”

Putin concluded his speech by quoting his favorite philosopher, Ivan Ilyin: «And if I consider Russia my homeland, then I love Russian, I think and believe, sing and speak Russian, believe in the spiritual forces of the Russian people and accept their historical destiny with my instinct and will. His soul is mine, his destiny is mine, his pain is my pain, his prosperity is my joy. Russia is behind us! ».

The applause given by the current nomenklatura in full force was more evident than some parts of his speech. The countdown to the annexation, punctuated by bright clocks and televisions in Moscow, has ended.
A new phase begins
Putin promised that it would be long and final. But she’s been repeating it since February 24. The West has the task of responding to another revival of Caesar.

Sep 30, 2022 (change on Sep 30, 2022 | 19:27)

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