Austria, No Vax leader dies of Covid: He treated himself with chlorine dioxide. He couldn’t breathe, but he refused to go to the hospital

Austria, No Vax leader dies of Covid: He treated himself with chlorine dioxide.  He couldn’t breathe, but he refused to go to the hospital

Johan Baxics, one of the most famous no fax In Austria, it is Died NS severe corona virus infection. As reported by the German press, he was hospitalized in Vienna in early November: his condition They were critical and could not breathe. However, the man refused treatment and was not available for hospital treatment. Once back home, 65 then try to heal himself with chlorine dioxide, a substance that has been described as an alleged miracle cure against Covid 19 and has also been cited Donald Trump.

He wanted the help of his trusted doctor, who apparently did not have time to intervene. shortly after exacerbate From his condition, whether from his family or his employees Ambulance They tried to revive him, but for the sake of 65 years there was nothing to do. Since the end of October, the family wrote on the Biacsic website, the man was getting worse and worse: diarrhea, fever and cough. His family still believes that the man did not die from the Corona virus, despite undergoing many tests, all of which are positive.

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