AUSL Modena – Nurses Talent: Art and Science in Evolution

AUSL Modena – Nurses Talent: Art and Science in Evolution

May 12, 2023 – International Nurses Day

The slogan chosen by the National Federation of Orders of the Nursing Professions (FNOPI) for the 2023 edition of International Nurses Day is: “The talent of nurses – the evolution of art and science”.
Order of the Nursing Professions (OPI) of Modena, which he has always promoted The cultural and scientific value of the professionPromotes various initiatives that have a common denominator “Culture as Therapy”: Nursing profession narrated through art; Nurse’s talent in various forms of artistic expression. Funding of two PhD scholarships in Nursing at UNIMORE University – Modena Campus.

Events calendar

Nursing profession narrated through art

Este Gallery – Largo Porta Sant’Agostino, 337 – Modena
> Thursday 11 May 2023 at 10.00
> Friday 12 May 2023 at 11.30

Reserved visit for registered nurses at OPI in Modena.
Free entry offered by OPI of Modena.
An interactive journey among the artworks of Ajmal Al-Funoun among the fine arts: caring relationship. The nursing profession has always been in a constant state of balance between art and science.
In order to put scientific technical competence into correct expression and measurement and to be able to offer assistance to the person who needs it, it must be supported by the ability to understand implicit feelings and messages, just as in front of a work of art.
For these aspects of contact with collages, OPI has organized an interactive walk inside the Galleria Estense in Modena. Suggestions and encounters with some of the artworks found at Galleria Estense will provide the necessary stimuli to express and tell the experiences of the nursing profession.
The experience will be directed from a relational and artistic point of view.

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Nurse’s talent in various forms of artistic expression

San Faustino Sports Club – Via Willigelmo, 72 – Modena
> Friday 12 May 2023 starting at 17.00.

The initiative is open to citizens.

Nurses will be able to share their artistic talents with colleagues and citizens through an exhibition of graphic and photographic works, an exhibition of readings, and musical performances.

It will be an opportunity to meet and exchange interests in a combination of knowledge and professionalism, through different forms of artistic expression: nursing talent and culture as therapy.

The growth of a nursing culture in research, and the funding of two scholarships for a doctoral course in nursing at Unimoor University

Rarely is the access of nurses to a research doctorate in an Italian university postgraduate degree in nursing.
The limited number of nurses who have the opportunity to learn and experiment with research methodology slows down the process of innovation aimed at improving the quality of care and assistance, and does not allow nurses to obtain research jobs in sectors designated for this in health companies and universities.

To date, the teacher/student ratio is 1:1,350. It follows that only a small number of nursing students, representing 45% of all students enrolled in colleges/medical schools, have the opportunity to receive SSD MED45 teachings from nursing educators included in the staff of university professors with implications for the teaching of the discipline and, by extension, for the methods of care And the help that was learned during the studies.

To encourage and influence the growth of a nursing culture in research, OPI of Modena has decided to fund two scholarships to be earmarked for the PhD course in Nursing at UNIMORE She hopes that there will be more funding and investments in the future aimed at developing the profession.

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OPI of Modena also gave its sponsorship to the conferences:

“Skills of future nurses. Innovative teaching methods to respond effectively to the needs of citizens.”

Sala S2- Cinema Raffaello– Via Formigina, 380 – Modena
> Friday 12 May 2023 at 8.30

Organized by UNIMORE – Department of Biomedicine, Metabolic Sciences, and Neurosciences

The nursing interest in the citizen begins in the first years of training, a moment in which the educational contexts serve not only to guarantee the maximum expression of the individual, but also to develop essential skills, useful for generating a professional as complete as possible and able to respond effectively to the needs of the person with whom he works.

Modena’s OPI program wishes Mentionsed Nursing Degree Course of Modena: Italian Excellence. The course, accredited in 2015, has received some of the best ratings in the National Panorama from the National Agency for University Evaluation and Research System; Furthermore, for several years, it has been in first place in Censis Teaching Assessment Rankings, along with UNIMORE degree courses in Health Professions, and in a survey of Alma Luria graduates said they were 100% satisfied with the path they took.

On International Nursing Day, the Nursing Study Course in Modena organizes a The conference aims to reveal the innovative teaching methods introduced in the course of its students, to share and discuss with the professional community for the purpose of maximum cooperation, integration and communication of intent.

Zero k next to fragility

CRA “Lieutenant Marchi – via Carlo Catellani, 9a – Carpi
> Friday 12 May 2023 at 16.30.

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The initiative is open to citizens.

The artistic and cultural event, which is part of the “Zero K next to fragility” project, aims to disseminate and share with health professionals and citizens the sensitive issue of palliative care and Law 219/2017.
This event will be implemented thanks to the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Carpi Foundation, sponsored by OPI of Modena, Municipality of Carpi, Unione Terre d’Argine and ASP Terre d’Argine.

May 12 is an opportunity to reflect on the nursing profession, on the critical role of nurses in regional and national health services, and how strategic they are to redesign regional health care closer and more responsive to the needs of people, as they live, work, study and together shape society. Qualified nurses, prepared and ready to face and welcome changes in the world of work and society, nurses who are able to express their talents between art and science, because “caring culture”.

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