Athletics Jacobs hospitalized with enterovirus: No 100m in Nairobi

Athletics Jacobs hospitalized with enterovirus: No 100m in Nairobi
Marcell Jacobs will not participate in 100m scheduled in Nairobi. The Italian runner, in fact, is already on Friday He was accused of health problems Which forced him to go to the emergency room.

According to various newspaper reports in the past few hours, it will be an intestinal problem: The Olympic 100-meter champion spent the night in hospital, infected with a violent virus, according to Andrea Bongovani.


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The race in Kenya, scheduled for 16:55, should have been his season debut: he actually planned To start with the 200m run on May 18 in Savonaand 28th in the Diamond League in Eugene, Oregon, in the 100 metres، Filippo Turteau.

From Nairobi came the words of Marcel’s coach, Paulo Camusi, who thanks everyone for their help, emphasizing the need for medical treatment:

We would like to thank the staff and doctors, Gianfranco Moreno and Washington Ngogo, who were very attentive, friendly and professional with Marcel and us all. We also thank the Italian Embassy staff, especially the security officer, who helped us with this whole case.

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