At least 13 people died in Argentina when the roof of a sports center collapsed in a storm

At least 13 people died in Argentina when The roof of a gym collapsed This Saturday while there was a skating competition.

It is possible that the number of victims is higher, because teams are still working among the ruins of the site.

The events took place in the port city White BayIn the Buenos Aires ProvinceAn orange alert has been issued for a strong storm.

Electrical equipment and winds reaching speeds of more than 150 kilometers per hour caused trees and several electricity towers to fall and damage to many buildings.

A state of orange alert has been declared in Buenos Aires province

Federico SospilesThe mayor of Bahía Blanca asked citizens to be extremely careful and not to go out into the streets.

president of argentina, Javier MileyHe expressed his “deep” regret over the deaths and reiterated the need for residents of the area affected by the storm to remain in their homes.

Electrical storms and strong winds affect the province of Buenos Aires

A. was formed Crisis Committee It consists of local, regional and national authorities to provide assistance to victims and assess damages.

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