This initiative is part of the “Grasping the Cosmos” project, which arose out of a collaboration between the Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI) and the Museum System of the University of Florence (SMA), with a contribution from the Third Mission Coordination Committee of the National Commission. Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN).
It begins at 16 with guided tours organized by the university through the rooms, courtyards, and gardens of the villa where Galileo wrote his “Discourses and Mathematical Propositions on Two New Sciences,” a treatise that paves the way for modern science.
At 17:00, a lab on the Galileo scientific method dedicated to the theme “Book of Nature”, with Pietro Centurino (Biophysicist – Galileo Galilei Institute) and Diana Tartaglia (University of Naples Federico II).
At 18.30 it was the turn of the meeting “Science meets art: cosmic messengers” dedicated to certain elementary particles, the muons. Speakers Valeria d’Ambrosio (GGI) and Francesco Bevacqua (Opus Lab).
From 4 to 8 pm, Federica Di Carlo’s exhibition “Tendo a existere” (I tend to exist), curated by Valeria D’Ambrosio, will be open to visitors, which includes installations, multimedia, video sculptures and lists some of the most fascinating theories about the nature of the universe. The exhibition kicks off from the artist’s participation at GGI High School during the Artist’s “Residency” this past March.
Guided tours and meetings must be booked in advance ( or 055-2756444); Entrance to the exhibition is free. All information on

“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”