Are sperm extinct and the number of their organs declining by 2060? Science debate [+COMMENTI]

Are sperm extinct and the number of their organs declining by 2060?  Science debate [+COMMENTI]

Sperm Extinction and Declining Organisms by 2060: A Doomsday Scenario by Shanna Swan

  • A recent book published by Professor Shanna Swan heralds an apocalyptic scenario
  • According to Professor Swan, by 2060 we will have a true extinction of human sperm cells added to the shrinkage phenomenon.
  • All of this results from the effect of chemical pollutants spread in the environment
  • Professor Tim Moss refuted this theory
  • He made his objections clear in an article published in The Conversation

the teacher Shanna Swanan American epidemiologist who studies environmental influences on human development, recently released a new book titled the countdowndescribing the apocalyptic scenario in which to expect Extinction of human sperm And what follows Member Restriction by 2060. Professor Swan suggests that the sperm count could be brought to zero by 2045This is largely due to the impact of a variety of environmental pollutants used in the manufacture of everyday products.

Well, this theory has been refuted by prof Tim Moss. In a long article about ConversationProfessor Moss said so Just one studyconducted on 383 young people from the Veneto region (Yes, here in Italy), he relates the sizes of men’s penises to the kinds of chemicals Swan attaches Decreased sperm count. But some features of this study affectReliability of notes and the possibility of generalization to other population groups.

Relax, your membership is not shrinking

Expert volunteers were grouped by place of residence, not place of birth. Since the size of the genitals is determined before birth, The environment during their mothers’ pregnancy is more closely related to organ size than where the men lived at the time of the studyProfessor Moss commented.

In addition to, The study lacks details regarding its subjects and the conditions in which the measurements were taken. Also absent are variables that affect organ measurements (such as ambient temperature, posture, and whether it is erect or at rest)”.

Read also: Science says: Men could become infertile by 2060

in the end, From a semantic point of view, in order to ‘tighten’ members have to shortening over timeBoth on an individual and population basis. Available data do not indicate a decrease in the size of members over the past few decades. While environmental pollution is a pressing concern, the evidence suggests that catastrophic collapse of human reproduction and subsequent organ shrinkage is fortunately a somewhat unlikely possibility.”.


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