Antonella Clerici, have you seen her sister before? Totally different from her but awesome

Antonella Clerici, have you seen her sister before?  Totally different from her but awesome

Have you seen Antonella Clerici’s sister before? The two women are inseparable from each other! Here they are together.

Antonella Clerici is one of the most beloved faces on Rai’s table. The woman has conducted many radio programs of all kinds, even co-hosting the most important Italian music festival: Sanremo. Clerici has clearly shown that she is one of the best Italian band leaders, but her real talent and real personality manage to show only thanks to culinary programmes. La Prova del Cuoco was a real starting point for the presenter and Antonella became the iconic face of the show. Without it, the program could not be the same. That is why after the broadcast of the last episode of the format, Rai created another program designed entirely for Clerici.

Antonella and her sister, an inseparable duo. Here is the sister of the beloved Rai broadcaster

In addition to entertaining the public on national networks, Antonella Clerici often posts photos of her everyday life on her Instagram profile. In fact, the woman posted a snapshot with her sister and received a lot of compliments. The women immortalized themselves while they were probably in Normandy. Both wore glasses with black frames and lenses, but what amazed fans was the smiles of the two women. Curly blonde Antonella and soft brunette sister Christina Clerici have the same smile.

Antonella has always said while running her show “Always Back” to her fans that she is very attached to her sister. The famous Christina was often mentioned during the episodes that aired last season. Antonella said that unlike her, who has always wanted to be a part of the entertainment world, Cristina is very conservative but is a very famous psychologist.

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Christina is only 4 years younger than Antonella, the presenter explained that a very small age difference means that the two have been linked from an early age, becoming close to each other. In “always noon”, in addition to talking about cooking, there are many moments when Antonella entertains her audience thanks to the help of some guests. Who knows if Clerici’s shy sister, Cristina, will decide to interfere with Antonella’s transition, and deal with her subject, Psychology. We are sure that the audience will not only appreciate the topic but will also learn more about the relationship between the sisters.

Read also:Antonella Clerici, an old photo never seen before: ‘A few years ago I was like this’, crazy fans

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