host’s daughter It’s always noon He denied his mother and the kinship that unites them. What happened?
Antonella Clerici is the most beloved rai presenter by the Italian public. Nicknamed the “Queen of the South” because of her lunchtime shows, she hasn’t always had an easy life, both privately and on the job.
So far she defines herself as very happy and calm next to her partner Victor Jaron and her daughter the followingfrom a previous relationship with Eddie Martens, an entertainer who worked in Morocco, where the two met.
Concerning exactly the birth of her daughter, Antonella Clerici publicly criticized Ray for the behavior of the directors: “When I quarreled with Rai because I no longer wanted to do Unomattina, I went to Mediaset for six months and made a program in the afternoon. After this experience, it seemed like everything was over, but instead I went back to Rai to do “La Prova del Cuoco”. but there, When I got pregnant they killed meIn fact, it was 2008 when the presenter had to leave the program initially due to an injury and then her pregnancy. She was replaced by Elisa Izuardi until 2010.
during the weekly interview today She told how her daughter experienced the relationship with her father, who now lives in Belgium with a new partner. “She also got very close to her father. Eddie is making an important trip, first and foremost for himself: he gets it He tends to lose the people he loves And he decided to ask himself above all else to be a good father. Before, our daughter experienced it with some awe, and also because living abroad, distance doesn’t help. Now I hear them talking on the phone, laughing and joking. Miley is more spontaneous, she has more freedom to say what’s on her mind and I’m really comfortable with it. Eddie is like a brother to me And he finally became a more welcoming man and father“.
Searching for maternity
The presenter spent nearly 10 years with her partner, Eddie. During an interview, she admitted that it was he who fathered her and developed a desire for motherhood in her, and wanted “a child with the same eyes as Eddie”. The woman was already 46 years old, and she miscarried before conceiving her first child.
His only daughter, Miley, is his most valuable treasure. She often posts pictures or stories of the girl on social media, who recently turned 13 and is about to take her eighth grade exams. Clerici issued a statement that left everyone dumbfounded: “She never said she was my daughter…What will happen between them?
Miley denies his mother .. but why?
The phrase uttered by Antonella had a certain effect on all her followers, but there is a very specific reason: “She never said she was my daughter It has no benefitsDespite her young age, Miley is a very mature girl, and she is aware of her status, being the daughter of a well-known TV presenter.
So she always prefers not to specify that she is the daughter of Antonella Clerici. Do not accept nepotism, and want to achieve their goals without recommendations or just being a child of art. Mama Antonella is doing a great job as a parent.
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