Genesta and love as revolution

Genesta and love as revolution

They have a certain reputation as sad guys who make beautiful sad songs, but on their fourth album, Vida meva, they promote “bpm without losing the essence”, the result of their socialization on the concert circuit. “Playing at festivals and big festivals made us want to make music for this kind of situation,” explains Pau Cerrasulsas, member, along with his sister Julia, of Ginesta, a duo from Barcelona (from Sant Andreu) that has recently been at the top of the Catalan pop scene with songs like L 'Eva and Jana.

It wasn't long before Ginesta (a name that pays tribute to anti-fascist activist Marina Ginesta) was composing politically-themed music and singing for “Lenin, Bakunin and Chase” (on his debut album, Nix, 2018). Now they focus on feelings. Is love also revolutionary? “Everything is political, and we continue to carry that in our veins and practice it in the decisions we make every day,” says Bao. But, if we had not gone through that, we would not be here today,” adds Julia, who reveals the militancy of the student union in the countries of Catalonia and Arran. “The first places that opened their doors for us to work were the Istiqlal homes and the self-administered neighborhood councils.”

Disc in two hits

In Vida Miva they propose a journey in two stages: one that is “rather euphoric,” a reflection of “relaxed love, of beginning to mature,” and another in which there is “separation, mourning and subsequent empowerment that leads to “You have to dance because your body tells you to,” explains Julia Cerassolsas. The first cycle of songs chooses a synthpop mixture of transparent melodies, while the second opens up to other rhythms and instruments: from the piano to the guitars and the cello that envelop Julia, the bolero conquest that Pao dedicated to his sister and in another delicate song “Mama” the voice of the emerging sister Mayo Cerrasulsas intervenes. Other guests on the album are Triquell, Maria Hein and the Madrid group Niña Polaca.

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The box is packaged in bold red with a mirror on the cover, all to “emphasize the powerful idea of ​​believing in yourself.” So Genista returns to a circuit of theaters and festivals where he notices attitudes that are less fraternal than he had imagined for some time. “You see groups that were very similar in the beginning, and when they start playing it, they don't exist anymore. It's a bit infuriating,” Julia admits.

Paul nods. “We realized the competitiveness that exists in Catalan music. We were not aware of it. Before that we wanted to say enough is enough, because we did not want to make an album to compete with anyone, but because we feel like it. After all this arena is small, and we are all rowing in the same “The direction and we have to help each other.” A tour awaits them, which will start on April 5 in Strinis, in Girona, and will stop on the 12th at Parallel 62 (Cruïlla Primavera), heading to festivals such as Canet Rock (July 6).

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