Anger against Loquillo for abandoning Barcelona, ​​the capital of Catalonia

Anger against Loquillo for abandoning Barcelona, ​​the capital of Catalonia

Loquillo He is from Barcelona, ​​a native of El Clot, and has lived most of his life, 63 years, in Barcelona. Except for the last 15 years, when he went to Euskadi for love, where he was married to his partner of 40 years, Susanna because. They are the parents of a 22-year-old son and live in the Basque Country, partly escaping the process. The Catalan musician has never bitten his tongue against independence and against the successive Barcelona councils that, according to him, allowed the city's musical culture to be lost. Interview by Vanguard He wanted to show the Barcelona logo tattooed on his arm to emphasize that today's Barcelona, ​​which is considered the capital of Catalonia, is the Barcelona of the past that collapsed. His idea is not new, that Barcelona's “Catalanization” process (as if it were something new, modern and artificial) is regional and fatal to art: “When they ask me, I say it I am a citizen of the world, I was born in Barcelona and that's why I'm a global citizen, and I'm very clear about that here [y señala el escudo de la ciudad que lleva tatuado en el antebrazo derecho]. Barcelona was even the capital of the world Someone decided that it was the capital of CataloniaBut I was lucky to experience Barcelona, ​​which changed the world.”

Lucello, J. Teres

Loquiilo explains what he means: “Don't let anyone know who they are Raquel Miller, Jose Guardiola, the dynamic duo, the Circus, the Savages, the Cheyennes, the Lone Star. In the 1980s, there was a still-existing subculture in Barcelona of rockers, boys, punks and mods. With Last Spring, The Rebels, The Negatives, or Brighton 64. Any other city you put in value Why do we always have to eat Sambenito Barcelona like Nova Canco and Rumba? I am 63 years old, well everyone should be given the importance they deserve“It is true that the city displays some icons better than others, but all the bands and singers he cites are Catalan, remembered and loved. No one denies that. What Luquillo criticizes is those who focus only on music sung in Catalan. He belittles the importance of Catalan music sung in Spanish, and he accuses those who, according to him, want to “Catalanize” Barcelona, ​​as if Barcelona is not by definition Catalan and the essence of Catalonia. Slap like trucks, like a Cadillac. He suffers from the typical longing for Barcelona's artistic prosperity in the post-Franco regime, but accuses Catalanism, Catalanism or Catalanism of all evil:

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Loquillo in Catalan is crazy. Naturally, he prefers Spanish, which is better as a stage name. His real name is Jose Maria.

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