Aneko, from the United States to Villa Paciola in the footsteps of his grandfather – Photo 1 of 5

Aneko, from the United States to Villa Paciola in the footsteps of his grandfather – Photo 1 of 5

Aniko – “Wonderful!”. With this universal expression that connects countries to Italy this morning Alberto ARRESaccompanied by his son Juliocommented warmly Villa Paciola, a Metropolitan version of New York, built by his grandfather to legendary Anisches Baritone Mario Paciola nearly a century ago.. Alberto saw her for the first time because, despite being born like his son in Milan, he was raised in France and lives in America. To rediscover the history and legendary creations of his predecessor, who knew of the villa’s existence, he immediately boarded a plane that took him from the stars and stripes to the Cremona countryside. “And it was worth it.”

From America in the footsteps of his grandfather. This morning, Alberto and Giulio, grandson and grandson of the famous architect Abramo Egidio Aresi Aneko arrived from the United States to visit the magnificent villa designed by their grandfather for opera singer Paciola. The two met in America and a Cremonese artist asked the architect for an impossible task: to bring the Metropolitan Museum of Art to his home in Aneco. He succeeded in faithfully reconstructing it in the look and refinement of the neo-Gothic style. Since the death of Paciola in 1965, who spent his entire life here after returning to Italy in the 1930s, The jewel is owned by the Vaccari family, today led by Fiorenza, who guard it very carefully. The host, on her own initiative and with the president of the Mario Paciola Center for Studies Attilio Cibeliti, assumed the role of Cicero.

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Fiorenza Vaccari, Giulio with Alberto Arrisi and Attilio Cibeliti in the garden

In the eyes of Italian Americans, when the door opens, amazement, amazement, emotion: «My father – says Alberto in fluent Italian, betrayed only by his rhythm abroad – did not tell me much about his grandfather and his work. I discovered his projects almost by accident, while moving from Milan to Paris. I kept it and took it with me to America to study and pass it on to Giulio. Also because – he says he’s turning 23 and laughing heartily -, He is your only relative who has done something great, stick with him and follow in his footsteps!But good blood, in fact, doesn’t lie. Julio climbs the summit too, but his builds are digital and he creates them using a computer and not on paper. After graduation, he quickly finds a job in Washington. We had just moved to Green Bay to follow. I think my mom and I will stop here nowProud father jokes. The house is located in the province of Colombia, the heart of Italy, talent without borders: «After seeing the projects of my great-grandfather – Giulio reveals – I crossed the image data with Google and through the maps we immediately found Villa d’Aneco. This trip was exciting“.

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