Andorra is presenting a plan to put 1,500 apartments for rent on the market within three years

Andorra is presenting a plan to put 1,500 apartments for rent on the market within three years

he Government of Andorra It announced a plan of procedures to put 1,500 apartments for rent on the market within three years. He explained in a statement that the goal is to move forward towards sustainable growth and provide solutions to one of the main concerns of citizens.

Therefore, the draft law on sustainable growth and the right to housing will include issues such as the temporary compulsory transfer of empty apartments, the ban on new permits for tourist housing and tourist apartments with an expiration system, the cancellation of already granted permits and the restriction of the ownership of a maximum of two properties for non-residents.

Head of Government, Xavier SpotHe said that these are immediate measures and that he wants to implement them this year. He also stressed the need to take decisive and courageous measures to make tourism and construction compatible with harmonious growth that respects the natural environment and the right to housing.

Minister of the Presidency, Economy, Labor and Housing, Conxita MarsolHe explained that the draft law would include the obligation to list empty apartments in the purchase or rental market. He added that according to government calculations, this measure may bring about eight hundred apartments to the market.

The administration will contact homeowners whose homes are known to be vacant. They will then be able to justify their reasons and will be given three months to put it on the market. It is also envisaged that the empty apartment could be voluntarily transferred to the government so that it becomes part of the public housing stock at an appropriate price, in exchange for a financial consideration.

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If the owner does not accept the above options, a “temporary compulsory transfer” to the government or the National Housing Institute can be activated to integrate it into the public park, also for a fee. Notwithstanding this, the Owner will always retain the option to redeem the property at all times “as long as it continues to be used for rent or sale”.

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