An American company that violates the embargo and sells technology to produce anti-missile systems to Moscow. Reply: “Sold by a third party we didn’t know.”

An American company that violates the embargo and sells technology to produce anti-missile systems to Moscow.  Reply: “Sold by a third party we didn’t know.”

An American company provided the technology to the Russian company that manufactures S-400 . defense system, one of the most developed in the possession of the Federation. That’s what he says Reuters Which explains how Americans work extreme networks Sold to the state-owned company MMZ Avangard Moscow computers and others computer equipment. All this is a violation of the embargo: since Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, in fact, Washington companies have not been able to do business with the MMZ. Extreme Networks determines that it is not involved in the sale and determines that it was possible that all of this happened without their knowledge, through third parties.

The American company relaunches and discloses, without providing evidence, that an intermediary in Russia supplied its products to “suspicious persons”, which made it know that it had already informed the US authorities. Last month Kyiv MMZ Avangard was accused of producing missiles that hit many civilian targets since the beginning of the war. Namely, according to Ukraine, the Moscow State Corporation built missiles that killed 30 civilians in the attack on a convoy on the outskirts of the capital. Zaporizhia last September.

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