Alberto Diaspro and Rhea Berg on the Artribune Podcast

Alberto Diaspro and Rhea Berg on the Artribune Podcast

Science and archeology are at the center of the latest Artribune Podcast, with dialogue between Alberto Diaspro and Ria Berg. That’s what they talked about

Alberto Diaspero and Rhea Berg
Alberto Diaspero and Rhea Berg

on the podcast At the same time Find topical interviews with trusted translators of the contemporary between art, science, literature, history, philosophy, architecture, cinema and much more. To explore dignified but also binding and future issues. Solo dialogues to reach new readings and potential awareness of current mechanisms: between the local and the global, between the individual and society, between male and female thought, to build a broad, deep and objective vision of reality. In this voice is a precious encounter with the world Albert Jasper and archaeologist Rhea Berg. The interview was posted on At the same time to Mariantonita Firmanithe podcast made for Artrebones.

Listen to “Alberto Diaspro and Ria Berg – Edited Simultaneously by Mariantonietta Firmani” on Spreaker.

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Alberto Gaspero and Ria Berg for the ARTRIBUNE podcast

Alberto Diaspero and Rhea Berg It gives us an extraordinary encounter between history and science, between man and nature. They tell us about the duty of beauty and the guarantee of cognitive autonomy, even synesthesia of all senses. Scientific research and archaeological research are two endless cognitive processes. Basic research expands wonder and advocates the acquisition of essential knowledge for all mankind, even to overcome preconceived notions. The Romans produced modular things, always multifunctional, full of affection and memories. Basic physics and archeology, on different time scales, studying the past to read the future, and much more.

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Who are Alberto Diaspero and Rhea Berg

Albert Jasper He is the Research Director of the Nanoscopy Line and the Nikon Imaging Center of IIT (Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa). Full professor at the University of Genoa and member of the Ligurian Academy of Sciences and Letters, his research group at IIT is a world leader in optical nanoscopy and biophysics at the nanoscale. He is the author of over 400 articles in international journals and 6 books with over 17,000 citations, and is the author of the “Science” column every Monday in Republic of Genoa. Published in 2020 What the eyes do not seeA recent history of research and microscopy. Among the international events organized are: “Common Science” symposiums at the Doge’s Palace, “Pop Microscopy” exhibition at the Museum of Natural History in Genoa and the USA, and many others. He participated in the Camogli Communication Festival, and since 2016 he has been President of the Scientific Council of the Genoa Science Festival. He has received awards for his contributions to science education, including the Biophysical Society’s 2014 Emily M. Gray Award, and the 2019 Italian Physical Society’s Science Communication Award. In 2022, he was awarded the Gregorio Weber Award for Excellence in Luminescence Research.

Rhea Berg She is Professor of Classical Archeology at the University of Helsinki, and Director of the Roman-Finnish Institute, and the Finnish Academy of Classical and Human Studies in Rome where she has held various positions since 2001. She is known internationally for her research on Pompeii, on Women in Antiquity and onhome instrument From the Roman World: Outlining the Origins and Critique of the Relationship between Man and Nature in the Western World, Analyzing Evolution in the Imperial Age, from the Village to the City, to Late Antiquity, and Investigating this Relationship in the Built Environment, in Art and Literature, in a Personal and Experiential Sense, in a Social and Ethical Sense And the philosophical. It then analyzes the context and function of everyday objects and their cultural meanings, i.e. connections with gender and race. He studies the houses of Pompeii and Ostia, the relationship between interior and exterior, gardens, pictorial and sculptural decorations, and instrument ornaments. He has published many articles in scientific journals and several volumes of them Roman courtesan. Archaeological Reflections of the Literary Topos2018; concrete religion. The importance of local worship practices2021. Erma dl Bretschneider is printing a comprehensive monograph on “mundus muliebris,” research that began with a doctoral dissertation in classical studies at the University of Helsinki in 2010.

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Mariantonita Firmani

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