– ​​International Foreign Press Agency – ​​International Foreign Press Agency

rome \ aise \ – there Italian and International Space Research Actively continues, despite the international crisis. and role National Research Council In this context, it is very important, just remember the Virtute 1 science mission, in cooperation with the Air Force, which is expected to depart within the year. The new version ofscience calendaran online journal edited by the Cnr Press office, which as usual examines the topic from different perspectives with the help of researchers from the National Research Council.
in concentration, Maurizio Gentellini From the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage refers to the role of the CNR in the first Italian space projects; While Umberto Maniscalco The Institute for High Performance Computing and Networks guides us into the future, highlighting new challenges in which robotic technologies and artificial intelligence will play a fundamental role.
Let’s tell about some of the experiments that will be done in the Virtue Mission 1 Lucia Paccucci For the Department of Information and Communication Technology, Environmental Technologies and Transport e Francesca Costabelli From the Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences. libero legere Instead, he talks about an experiment underway on the International Space Station, coordinated by the Institute for Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies, while Vanya da Dibo From the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology to the activity undertaken in the Structure Laboratories to develop advanced optical tools for observing and imaging space.
intervention Antonio Serrassaa neuroscientist at the Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation, focuses on a specific form of headache that affects astronauts. Luciano Anselmo From the Alessandro Faido Institute for Science and Information Technology to the phenomenon of space tourism and its potential impacts on the environment. The topic of space is also covered in Reviews With the volumes “Pellegrini dell’Universo” (Solferino), “Eroi interstellari” (Garden of Culture), “Born in via delle Cento stelle” (Mondadore) and in conferences and presentations for the Galactic Park Festival, which takes place on September 24 in Milan. in Sense still Luciano Anselmo To comment on the science fiction movie “Interstellar”. in Other research Several initiatives are presented around the exploration of the universe. (aise)

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