Abascal brings Vox lists to La FACT with a loud street protest

Abascal brings Vox lists to La FACT with a loud street protest

fox head, Santiago AbascalThis afternoon, he traveled to Terrassa to present formation candidates in the House of Representatives elections Parliament of Catalonia. He did so with the state presidential candidate. Ignacio Garriga, and among the leaders of the Tarragona list are Sergio Masian, Girona, and Alberto Tarradas, and for Lleida, Rafael Villafranca.

To the big room LafactIn front of a large crowd of people, Abascal was convinced yesterday that the 12-M party would “strengthen its positions in Catalonia”, as he insisted that “it is a matter of time before we become a decisive force”.

The leader of the far-right formation bragged about defending “what others dare not do.” We are alone“Caring for respectable, humble and patriotic Spaniards,” he said. Fox is “for the policy of water transport, alongside insecure women on the street”, for “the coexistence of languages” and “for the protection of industry and agriculture, we are the only ones who do not carry the infernal pin”. For the 2030 Agenda.

Santiago Abascal and candidate Ignacio Garriga, photo with the audience in the large LaFACT hall / Alberto Talon

He accompanied the Vox march in Terrassa yesterdayLarge police cordona joint apparatus of Mossos and the municipal police that effectively occupied the areas surrounding the Cultural Truth building.

Interior Ignacio GarrigaFox's filter General PresidencyHe thanked the work of Catalan militants, whom he encouraged to “take to the streets in self-defense” in this election campaign.

Garriga faces a complaint from a Vox MP to Antifrau about expenses in parliament.

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Abascal wanted to defend his candidate, whom he said was “completely honest and his accounts are transparent and audited.” “In the campaign they will smear us,” the Vox party leader declared. “We are ready to defend ourselves,” he added. “I will defend Garriga now and always.”

Against hate speech

The presentation of the Vox Party candidates was preceded by a street protest he called for UCFR Terrassa (Anti-Fascism and Racism Unit), which dozens joined.
With a banner under the logo “Balcony Against Fascism and Racism”The demonstrators chanted slogans against the Vox Party and “Get out of the fascists.” The police did not allow the demonstrators to approach the audience.

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