À Punt broadcasts all the concerts of the Honorary Section of the Valencia Band Competition.

À Punt broadcasts all the concerts of the Honorary Section of the Valencia Band Competition.

You can follow them this Sunday from 12:00 noon on TV and the web.

On Sunday 21 July, the Palacio de Musica de Valencia will host the concerts of the Honorary Section of the 136th International Music Band Competition of the City of Valencia (CIBM).

This year, for the first time, À Punt will broadcast all the concerts on the last day of the competition, which is the one corresponding to the Honorary Section. This section features the five most prestigious bands, all from the Valencian Community.

It is the oldest and most popular band competition in the world. Each year, about 3,500 musicians participate in four categories: third, second, first and honorary.

José Luis Moreno, Advisor for Cultural Action, Heritage and Cultural Resources in ValenciaÀ Punt thanked for their commitment to the International Band Competition: “We must bet on our bands, on the tradition and that it reaches all parts of the Valencian Community.” He concluded: “With this broadcast we will bring the highest quality of our bands to all homes.”

On the other side, General Manager of À Punt, Alfred Costa“For public television, it is a pleasure that the people of Valencia can watch the competition live on their television screens,” he stressed. “In addition, we are proud to be able to spread our bands around the world through digital platforms.”

The concerts will be broadcast at the following times:

12:00 pm Unió Musical de Llíria Symphony Orchestra (Live)

3:15 PM Ateneo Musical Chola Cantorum de la Valle Duixo (Postponed)

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4:30 PM La Harmonica de Buñol Music Education Center (Postponed)

5:30 PM Societat Instructiva Unió Musical de Tavernes de la Valldigna (Live)

7:30 PM Bunyol Musical and Artistic Association (Live)

Each group must perform compulsory work, optional work and free work. Compulsory work is white tree By Pere Fecalé. This work refers to the tree that is a symbol of faith and resistance of the city of Gata de Gorgos. The film is about the poplar tree that protected the habitats of this city in Marina Alta during the French siege in 1812. The author, Pere Fecalé, is a director, composer and digital artist, and is also a professor of acoustics at the Electroacoustics Laboratory of CSM Valencia.

CIBM is organised by the Valencia City Council, the International Band Competition and the Palace of Music of Valencia.

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