Teachers and a lot of tits | Isidro Oller

We haven’t solved the issue of pigeons and “tit, tat, tat”, although it has been made clear to the point of boredom that it should not be done, there are a lot of people who continue to feed the pigeons. And parrots and wild boars! And there are many fakes! Now we have come to vote – or not – in the European Parliament. It is an election that is no less important or more important than any other election. I think it is not trivial who our representatives are there, in Brussels or Strasbourg, when those of us who work see that all the regulations on materials, processes, control and marketing are European and, in general, that this is a huge amount of European money that may or may not affect us depending. Whoever manages it for us. Do we not consider it? Do we have the ability to minimize an aspect that will have such repercussions in our daily lives? In our happiness! (Those who want to be happy).

I firmly believe that having good teachers is crucial so that all the progress made by previous generations can be respected, compared, known and improved upon by future generations. Each person is essential to the democratic and legal system of the entire community. We cannot admit to the mismanagement of teaching, and we cannot blackmail teachers and make them understand that adhering to corrupt lesson plans drawn up in political haste is more important than not being teachers who impart some knowledge with passion and meaning, and this too, but rather a humane positioning and a fundamental and fair standard for facing life. Obviously, students should arrive at school trained from home to close the education chain in this way.

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It may be that I fly pigeons and that in four sentences I cannot make myself as understood as I would like, but I can speak of my experience, in which an extraordinary teacher showed me the world of magical literature; Another, it made mathematics easy, and another, it helped me appreciate chemistry and engage in it professionally. I know this because I also had gray and disheartening feelings.

One teacher told us one day in class, “The teacher claims that a glass of water saturated with potassium cyanide is lethal at the first sip. The thirty students shouted that this cannot be, and since there are more of them, it must be emphasized that potassium cyanide is not lethal. This is A very clear example of what is happening to us as a society. We do not understand democracy nor culture because we left the microphone to the unwanted. I can understand that when the Assyrians and Hittites slaughtered each other, the majority of people did not have the possibility to inform themselves, without travel, newspapers, radios or screens. Or networks, with the interests that were really hidden behind those wars; but the Germans and the French or now, the Ukrainians and the Russians or the Palestinians and the Jews: what is the cyanide that people do not see before their eyes, please, people, open your eyes, at least try, so that it is? Our heirs are a little happy, because what we created today, does not take a sip…

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