Xàtiva will propose Xativa musician Manolo Miralles as the city's favorite son – Xàtiva newspaper

Xàtiva will propose Xativa musician Manolo Miralles as the city's favorite son – Xàtiva newspaper

· This announcement was made by the culture advisor of the Shativa City Council, Alfred Bouluda, at the end of the honoring ceremony held at the Grand Theater.

· A lineup of artists filled the stage, including Pep Botifarra, Miquel Gil, Al Tall, Musicants, Va de Dones, Feliu Ventura, Pau Alabajos, and more.

Culture consultant Alfred Bouluda announced today at Gran Teatre that Xàtiva will propose Xàtiva musician and Al Tall founder, Manolo Miralles, as the city's favorite son. The proposal will be referred to the municipal general session, which will be held next March 28 at 10:00 am.

With the Gran Teatre de Xàtiva full, an enthusiastic audience and a host of popular artists from Valencia's music scene, the final hours of Friday evening passed at Xàtiva. An emotional tribute was paid today to Manolo Miralles, a Valencian musical authority who left suddenly last July, in the capital of La Costera.

The concert, whose tickets were sold out since last March 12, began at 7:30 p.m., and was presented by journalist Amalia Garrigos and music critic Josep Vicente Frecina, who directed and coordinated the various performances.

A large number of musicians and groups that had a direct or indirect relationship with Manolo Miralles have passed on the big stage: Pau Blanco, Bertomeu, Carixet, El Cor de Bonrebos y Mirambel, Euix, Pau Alabajos, Tomás de los Santos, Rafa Zambo and La Fosteria , Filho Ventura, Miquel Gil, Fa de Dons, Pep Butifarra, The Hill and the Musicians.

After the performances, Miralles' colleague, Pippa Coco, and her daughter, Mirella Miralles, took to the stage to give a short speech. In addition, they received from the hands of the president of the Ovidi Montler group, Jesús Barranco, a photo with the concert poster in a frame.

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Finally, Culture Advisor Alfred Boulud addressed the audience to conclude the day. He announced the proposed appointment of Miralles as Chativa's favorite son, and Colla la Socarrada put the finishing touches with a performance of the dolcin and tabla.

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