The government contracts, as an emergency, the work of connecting eight municipalities in Noia to the Ter-Llobregat water network.

The government contracts, as an emergency, the work of connecting eight municipalities in Noia to the Ter-Llobregat water network.

The government approved on Tuesday the emergency contracting of six connection works to the network of the Ter-Llobregat Water Supply Authority (ATL) to ensure the supply of drinking water to ten municipalities in Baix Llobregat, Bages and Anoia that are at risk of shortages due to drought. These are Vallirana, Aguilar de Segarra, a, Calonge de Segarra, Sant Pere Salavinera, Prats de Rei, Sant Martí de Sesgueioles, Veciana, Copons, Rubió and Jorba. a. The contract is made within the framework of the exception due to hydrological drought, for an amount of 15,520,000 euros. In the case of Vallirana, the connection to the ATL network anticipates an investment of €7.4 million and a maximum implementation period of 15 months.

In the event that Aguilar de Segarra, Calonge de Segarra and Sant Pere de Sallavinera are connected, it will be implemented by Copisa Constructora Pirenaica for an estimated amount of 2.25 million and for a period of 9 months. Also, Constructora de Calaf will be responsible for the delivery works of Prats de Rei, Sant Martí de Sesgueioles and Veciana, for 2.7 million to be carried out in 9 months. For the new delivery businesses in Coupons, Rubio and Jorba, the government has approved the hiring of Aqualia, with an expected investment of $2.82 million and a maximum implementation period of 6 months. Meta Engineering will be responsible for construction management and assistance with these connections for an amount of €350,000.

The executive explained that although the supply procedure in Valerana differs from the rest, with regard to the works of connecting the different areas to the Kardiner artery, it was considered “sufficient” to carry out all the procedures simultaneously in order to shorten the implementation conditions.

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