Algona Frequently Asked Questions

Algona Frequently Asked Questions

Co-produced money is based on the concept of Universal Distribution (UD), which is money free of debt and interest, which is used to exchange goods and services, and which reaches every individual in society fairly to be alive, to belong to the company we call Humanity. We will find ideas about depleted uranium in the theories of British engineer Clifford Douglas and others Social creditors A century ago today, French engineer Stephane Laborde developed… Dinner theory of relativity, which modernizes and expands the horizon of jointly produced money. Laborde believes that the fairness of its establishment has an impact on its neutrality with regard to the inflation phenomenon, despite the continuous growth of the monetary mass. It also estimates the annual increase margins in the jointly produced monetary mass so that depleted uranium is neutral over time, without one generation benefiting from it at the expense of another. All of the above I have already covered in the previous sixteen articles, from “Co-Produced Money” to “From Theory to Practice,” in which I recount my visit to the first Junista market in Silla.

The union markets (“markets”) do not meet in person only at regular meetings, but they seem to be strengthening in some areas of Valencian Country (also in Spain, and in France, the birthplace of the Ğ1 project).(1). The initiative exists in social networks for free or open source software (following the Junista philosophy), to put suppliers and requesters of products and services running Junas in touch. In Telegram there are chat groups covering our entire geography, from Alicante to Castellon, to report on market events and products/services offered or requested. One of the trade union group’s tools to activate the electronic market is the Internet Ğirala (flip the coin/flip the system). The platform aims to focus and organize offers for those wishing to register. It opened in September 2021, and currently has nearly 800 product and service providers in its directory. Founded by developers from Catalonia, it has international aspirations, and the language list includes 9 languages. The platform is also an entry method (button What is Ğ1?) to other websites (depending on the language chosen) that report on the characteristics and uniqueness of the Juna and Juniste project, and where there is usually a list Frequently asked questions (Instructions), As in this link.

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Whoever hears for the first time about Aljuna and its work in trade with the use of electronic wallets, may think that it is another one of the cryptocurrencies that have spread since the emergence of Bitcoin in 2009, which is a topic that I addressed in 5 articles between “Cryptocurrencies” and “Cryptography against Central Control.” . Juna is a cryptocurrency only in the sense that it leverages cryptography and blockchain technology to create new currency, every day, in member accounts, and manage the transactions of all e-wallets in a decentralized manner, both members and non-members. But there are at least two characteristics that are not present in the guna, and which are fundamental to the others: a) It is present in the cryptocurrency market and can be followed on platforms for investors such as Trading offer (In tab Markets) and ib) Recipients of the new currency are known as miners and achieve this through what is known as proof of work or proof of stake, which are the usual mechanisms for validating transactions.

In Proof of Work (I already explained this in Bitcoin), validators compete to be the first to solve a complex cryptographic puzzle using the computational power they have installed. In stake testing, validators compete by blocking large amounts of the currency they intend to mine in their accounts. The higher the blocked amount (starting from the minimum), the more likely they are to choose, at random, to update the blockchain and get a new currency generated as a reward.

On the contrary, the guna does not intend or provoke any speculative activity as an investment asset, and is used only in the exchange of goods and services. Also, the recipients of the new currency are not a subset of members competing with each other, but rather all members. If the euro system is adopted in the European Union, all European citizens will be co-creators.

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Another issue that may be confusing for those new to the Junist Project is that members receive daily DU in their accounts without being asked to contribute anything in return. It should be noted that co-produced money is in itself a monetary system for putting money into circulation by periodically increasing the money supply. The annual rate of increase is about the same magnitude as what monetary debt would experience in the expanding portion of the economic cycle. However, this is created monopolistically and centrally by the banking system of the central bank, which can decide how much is created, when and for whom; Whereas co-produced money is an individual and fair creation, without the intervention of any central body. The main reason for the growth of the money supply from debt money is the interest demanded by the creators, as we have already seen in other sections of the series. In the case of jointly produced money, it grows because it is not destroyed by return, being debt-free.

By Laborde standards, the monthly creation for June by a member is a modest amount, as we will see in From Theory to Practice. It is true that there may be Juna creator members who spend it in the markets without contributing anything to the exchange. I commented on this during my visit to Silla and they told me that if any member were in those circumstances, they tended to worry at some point about starting to contribute to the group; In any case, if the system is able to help a person in need who, through co-production, buys products in the markets without offering a counterpart, welcome!

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(1) In Spain, 250 markets will be held in 2022, an average of approximately 5 markets per week. source

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