This morning, at the Confindustria Benevento, a delegation from the Consulate of the United States of America in Naples led by the Consul General, Tracy Roberts Pounds, visited.
The delegation was greeted by Pasquale Lampugnal, Regional President of Piccola Industria Confindustria, and Ana Pisa, Director of Confindustria Benevento.
The meeting was held with the aim of providing information on the entrepreneurial fabric in the province of Benevento and presenting networking opportunities with the United States.
The United States, at 10%, is Campania’s second export destination. On a regional level, trade with the United States has, just last year, increased by one percentage point (from 5 to 6%). “I consider the presence of the Consul of the United States of America in Benevento to be of particular importance,” explains Lampognale, “the institutional visit to Confindustria Benevento testifies, in fact, to the great interest in the interior of Campania and in particular towards the small and medium-sized enterprises that insist on their own.
This is the first time that one of the most important consulates stops in Benevento, which indicates the intensification of trade exchanges with the region and the important development prospects in this direction.
Piccola Industria Confindustria Campania President Pasquale Lamppugnale, a Samnite, introduced the institutional meeting by presenting the local scenario and key relative economic indicators, along with guidelines for regional development in the region.
USA Consul Tracy Roberts Pounds painted a synthetic picture of the US market and the role the US Consulate could play in facilitating contacts with Samnite companies. Participants in the meeting were Clementina Donisi, Antonio Ezzo, Claudio Monteforte, Antonella Porto and Giorgio Vergona, representing entrepreneurs linked to Confindustria Benevento. In addition to Consul General Tracy Roberts Pounds, the US Consulate delegation was made up of Giuseppe Palmieri (economic and business advisor), Carlotta Nau (political advisor) and Claudia Aero (Visa Staff Director).
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