Social water bonus, who is entitled to a discount on the bill and how to apply

Social water bonus, who is entitled to a discount on the bill and how to apply

Few people know about it, but for some citizens there is the possibility of taking advantage of the social bonus of water. Here’s who gets it and how to apply.

The social bonus for water is part of the privileges known as the Bollette Bonus and is recognized for some citizens, in order to reduce the cost of the bill related to water consumption. In other words, once the amount due is determined on the basis of certain criteria, the amount is recognized in the form of a discount on the invoice.

Basically, the method of payment is exactly the same as that applied to the light and gas social bonus, even if in this case the discount is applied respectively to bills for electricity consumption in the first case, and for gas in the first case. .

In order to take advantage of the Acqua Social Bonus it is necessary to meet specific requirements, let’s find out which ones and what is the procedure to follow to get the right to the discount.

Water social reward: who is entitled to it and how to apply

In order to benefit from the subsidy offered to water users, specific requirements must be met. In order to receive the subsidy, it is necessary to belong to a family unit with an ISEE index not exceeding €9,530 or, alternatively, to belong to a family unit with at least 4 dependent children and an ISEE index not exceeding €20,000. The water social bonus is also recognized for holders of citizenship income or citizenship pension. In addition to the income requirements, the water supply contract must be current and in the name of a family member. In addition, it is recognized only in the case of a home use tariff, and it does not matter whether the owner is the tenant or owner of the property.

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The water social bonus provides a discount equal to the consumption of 18.25 cubic meters of water per year and per family member. In other words, 50 liters of water is provided free of charge per day for each family member. However, it is possible to find out the exact amount recognized over the phone by calling your water manager or the company that manages bonus billing, i.e. ARERA. The number to be contacted in this case is 800166654.


We remind you that just like with Bill Bonus, to get the benefit it is not necessary to submit any application, but it is necessary to present a valid ISEE certificate. In the absence of an ISEE value, the reward will not be recognized.

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