One health and one science. Protecting our future also from zoonotic diseases

One health and one science.  Protecting our future also from zoonotic diseases

Rome, 4 April 2023, 9.30 – 13.30

Forum Via Tor de ‘Conti Hotel, 25


The Covid 19 pandemic has brought public attention to The risks of disease transmission from animals to humans and the need for health management in an integrated and unequivocal manner, taking into account humans, animals and the environment.. “sAny effort to make our world safer is doomed to failure unless the critical interface between people and pathogens is addressed.” (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO – Seventy-third World Health Assembly, 18 May 2020).

the vector diseasesspecifically those transmitted by ticks, sandflies, and mosquitoes, are a typical example of the close relationship between humans, animals, and the environment. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year they cause more than 1 billion human cases and 1 million deaths, accounting for about 17% of all infectious disease cases..

In order for a pathogen to pose a risk to human health, environmental and social conditions are necessary which favor its transmission from one individual to another and its preservation in the environment. Climate change affects the physiology, behavior, life cycle, and geographic distribution of vectors and reservoir types, influencing the emergence of climate-sensitive diseases in previously exempt areas. In addition to climate change, human encroachment on wildlife habitats, as well as urbanization and uncontrolled exploitation of the environment, have interrupted human-animal-environment interaction, making it easier for humans to be exposed to some pathogens.

Faced with this situation, specific monitoring and control programs have been adopted in Italy at the national and regional levels, as in the case of the Ministry of Health circular “Prevention and control of leishmaniasis in Italy” On 10/14/2020.

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According to these programs, it is necessary to control and contain vector-borne zoonotic diseases Solid build The system of control and prevention depends on the cooperation between the institutions and the close synergy between the professionals of the human medicine sector (With special reference to emergency room physicians, internal medicine, general practitioners, infectious disease specialists, pediatricians, and geriatricians) and veterinary medicine (LP vets and operators of ASL prevention departments).

Through a comparison of the main stakeholders involved (institutions, anthropologists, veterinarians, entomologists, climatologists, agronomists, associations and media) the conference, Organized by AboutPharma with contributions from MSD Animal Healthhe haveWith the aim of promoting the exchange of knowledge between the two sectors of medicine In order to speed up the diagnostic process for some zoonotic vector diseases (Lyme disease and leishmaniasis), Educate the relevant stakeholders To activate preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection e Share good practices and proposals for effective action in prevention.

The initiative will launch an awareness and training process on these issues, which stipulates the organization of some seminars at the regional level during the year 2023.

Main topics

  • Climate change and its effects on the spread of zoonotic diseases
  • Regulatory framework and measures for the prevention and control of infectious animal diseases
  • Emerging or re-emerging zoonoses: focus on leishmaniasis and Lyme disease
  • Training doctors and veterinarians to better diagnose and contain diseases
  • Cases of good practice and good examples of collaboration between institutions and between professionals for the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases.

Who is the conference targeting?

  • Institutions: Parliamentary Committees (Health, Environment, Research, Agriculture), Ministry of Health, International Space Station, Zoological Institutes, Veterinary Departments of Health Funds.
  • Universities and research centers
  • Physicians: infectious disease specialists, general practitioners, epidemiologists
  • Scientific societies
  • Category associations
  • Independent veterinarians and educators
  • Third sector
  • Specialized and public media
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introductory programme

09.30Participant accreditation

Mediator: Raffaella Cesaronijournalist, Sky TG24

10.00 – Business opening by moderator

10.10 One Health and Zoonoses: What’s the Connection?

Claudio M. MastroianniProfessor of infectious diseases Sapienza University of Rome; president, SIMIT – Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases

Marco Melosipresident, ANMVI

10.35 am – Vector Journey: Vector Distribution, Causes, and Environmental and Social Factors


Joey Bongiornoentomology researcher, iss

Ezio Ferroglio, Professor of Parasitology and Parasitic Animal Diseases, University of Turin; president, ESCCAP Italy – European Scientific Adviser on Animal Parasite Companions

Simon OrlandiniDirector of the Center for Bioclimatology. University of Florence

Dominic OtrantoProfessor of parasitic animal diseases Barry University; president, WAAVP – World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology

11.20 – Patient journey in animals and humans. Focus on Lyme disease and leishmaniasis: modes of transmission, symptoms, and prognosis


Alessandro BartoloniProfessor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine. University of Florence

Louisa GalliDepartment of Health Sciences University of Florence; Director of Infectious Diseases SOC, Chief Medical District, IRCCS Mayer University Hospital, Florence

Gaetano Oliva, Professor of veterinary medicine Federico II University of Naples; WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association) has one member of the health committee

11.55 am – How do you deal with the problem?

Good practices and proposals for improving monitoring systems and accelerating the diagnostic process at the regional level

The Round Table – Part One

Alessandro BartoloniProfessor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine. University of Florence

Joy HairHealth Director Zooprophylactic Experimental Institute of Venezia; exit, National reference center for scientific research on infectious diseases at the human/animal interface

12.20 – What is happening in the region?

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Inter-institutional, inter-professional and collaborative measures to prevent, contain and control zoonotic diseases

The Round Table – Part Two

Claudio Crisellipresident, SIMG

Federica Ferraro, Medical Director, Fifth Office of International Infectious Disease Prevention and Prevention, Directorate General of Health Protection at the Ministry of Health

Daniela Molasvice president, FNOVI

Anna Teresa Palamara *Director of the Infectious Diseases Department iss

Louis RoccoDirector of the third office – animal health and operational management of the National Center for Animal Disease Control and Emergency and the Central Crisis Unit of the General Directorate of Animal Health and Veterinary Medicines, Ministry of Health

1.20pm – Question and Answer

1.30pm – Closing work and lunch

* The speaker is invited to participate, pending confirmation.

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