Current mental illness | October 15 2022

Current mental illness |  October 15 2022
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Symposium organized by French-speaking micro-psychoanalytic institutes
Hôtel du Vinoble – 3 Rue de Chatelare, 2034
Bessaux (Neuchatel, Switzerland)
In person and online
Simultaneous French-Italian-Russian Translation

For several years we have been facing new mental illnesses as psychoanalysts. In fact, we are faced with different clinical manifestations of classic neurosis: existential difficulties, a state of almost permanent dissatisfaction, a painful loss of references, intolerance to frustration, a discrepancy between the aspirations of the subject and the possibility of their realization, an unbearable impression of no longer able to cope with the demands of professional life or Family, lack of flexibility …

The symptoms of this current malaise are vague and multifaceted. It is therefore difficult to classify them into a well-defined clinical entity, especially since they often coexist with phobic, obsessive, hysterical, depressive, psychosomatic or psychotic symptoms. However, these do not constitute the first request for analysis.

Although narcissism is a common denominator of these disorders, it is not limited to this.

To address it appropriately, the analyst will have to question his knowledge and be creative.

This symposium aims to improve understanding of these current mental illnesses and to suggest ways to treat them in clinical practice.

Bruna Marzi

Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, active member of the International Association for Micro-Psychoanalysis, training analyst at the Swiss Institute of Micro-Psychoanalysis, active member of FEDEPSY, visiting teacher at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.

Joya Marzi

Doctor, psychiatristAnd the Active member of the International Association for Micro-Psychoanalysis, Training Analyst at the Swiss Institute of Micro-Psychoanalysis

Kirino Zangrilli

Medical doctor, active member of the International Association of Micropsychiatry, Training Analyst at the Swiss Institute of Micropsychiatry, Member of the Italian Association of Homeopathy, Director of Web Review

Francois Jeanbaris

Physician, psychiatrist, specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry, active member of the International Association of Micropsychoanalysis, training analyst at the French Institute of Micropsychoanalysis.

Bruno Guerrier

Psychoanalyst, active member of the International Association for Micro-Psychoanalysis, active member of the Swiss Institute of Micro-Psychoanalysis, psychiatrist, president of IPCH (France), active member of AFREPA.

Bernard Fassel

Professional educator, psychoanalyst, active member of the International Association for Micro-Psychoanalysis, active member of the ISM, former director of the Foer Center for Adolescents, Sandoz Foundation.

Initial program

President Q. Zangrilli

9.30 Opening of the symposium by Daniel Lesik, Director of the Swiss Institute of Micro-Psychoanalysis

9.45 Lysek: Psychological imbalances and imbalances in a changing world

10.15 B. Marzi: Hypochondria: Ancient and Present Appearances

10.45 F. Janbaris: Old Harassment and Defenses: What Future for Analyst’s Neutrality?

11.15 B. Guerrier: Fear and Anger, Psychosomatic Diseases

11.45 Marzy: Anorexia: a psychosomatic disorder – an emerging pathology

lunch buffet

Head F. Jeanparis

15.00 B- Separator: Adolescence and Suffering: Who helps, the parents or the teenager?

15.30 Q: Zangrilli: Chronic in psychopathology: a psychoanalytic reading

16.00 – 16.30 a. Giglioti: Comparison of African and Western cultures in current diseases

16.30 – 17.00 Discussion


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Science and Psychoanalysis books by industry professionals. The articles, prepared in the spirit of high scientific publishing, are divided into different columns that are updated alternately. It was founded and directed by Dr. Quirino Zangrilli, physician and educational psychoanalyst.

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