USA: The green light for Biden’s anti-inflation plan and Musk pretends to want to buy Manchester United

USA: The green light for Biden’s anti-inflation plan and Musk pretends to want to buy Manchester United

Green light for Biden’s anti-inflation plan: More taxes for the rich – Musk semi-serious: ‘I buy Manchester United shares’ – Tensions over BTPs

Do not be afraid: as long as there is Elon Musk There is no danger of boredom. Returning from Twitter, after launching and withdrawing a $44 billion bid, the first Tesla continues to tweet with great ease. Yesterday it was announced that it is stockpiling Manchester United, the protagonist of the club’s bad start to the season. Are you serious? Mostly not. But it still occupies the front page title in The Wall Street Journal On a day filled with mostly positive news, perhaps too much for economists, who fear a sudden drop in price lists in the event of a rebound too fast.

Tonight’s record feed it They will tell us how determined the central bank is to tighten the pressure on the economy, which has so far been almost impervious to the actions of Jerome Powell. Meanwhile, President Biden signed theInflation reduction lawA $750 billion package of measures that includes a tax increase for the rich to finance pollution control.

Consumption continues, the Dow is running

In this climate, stock markets continue to recover: From their lows in June, the rally is 14%. Yesterday’s payment came from two accounts of two prominent names in large-scale US retail: Walmart (+5.1%) e Home Depot (+4.1%). The results reduced fear of a decrease in consumption.

Indicator Dow Jones It rose 0.7% in the fifth consecutive positive session. On the other hand, the Nasdaq (-0.2%), penalized by the return of interest rate tensions.

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Bond yields rise again: Ten-year treasury bonds at 2.81%, up from 2.78% yesterday.

Tension on Bunds and BTPs, the difference works

Tensions also affected the European card. yield Bond by 0.97%, punishable by exacerbationZew . indicator And from A new jump in gas prices, a heavy mortgage on future inflation. The BtpWhich jumped to 3.13%, with a jump of 15 points, which was reflected in the difference that rose to 217 points.

Center-right offering certainly isn’t doing well, from flat tax to the crusade against the Fornero Act. “It’s a mixture of patriotic appeals and financial promises that are hard to take seriously,” Bloomberg comments.

AC + 0.12%. Production defects stop Philips

EuroStoxx 50 futures are up 0.3% this morning. yesterday Business Square (+0.12%) Hold your breath away from the finish line 23 thousand points.

in red Amsterdam (-0.11%). makeover at home Philips: The CEO of Van Houten left after the company was forced to withdraw half of the biomedical equipment produced last year to compensate for 30 billion euros.

Asian markets positive, China considering new stimuli

Price lists are up this morning in the Asia Pacific region. Nikki + 1%. Hang Seng From Hong Kong + 0.8%. CSI 300 From the lists of Shanghai and Shenzhen + 0.7%. Cosby In Seoul -0.7%.

Tonight, Chinese public television reported a summit between the government and top representatives in six major provinces. According to CCTV, Premier Li Keqiang called for measures in favor of employment and reasonable interventions to support economic growth.

Guidelines on corporate communications related to the environment, social implications and government practices went into effect tonight in China. By 2025, China has set itself the goal of reducing energy consumption by 3% per unit of GDP, reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions by 13.5% and 18%, and raising clean heating to 70% in northern China.

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New Zealand raises interest rates again

Central Bank of new Zeland He raised the reference rate by fifty basis points to 3%, the highest rate in the past seven years. In the statement, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand expects to reach more than 4% in the second quarter. The New Zealand dollar rose 0.2% against the dollar. The pound sterling and the euro were also appreciated.

The oil landslide continues. Brent at $93

The petroleum West Texas Intermediate crude is approaching a six-month low with Texas crude trading at $87 a barrel this morning, up 0.7%.

Commenting on rumors of an eventual tightening in negotiations over Iran’s nuclear energy activities, Goldman Sachs wrote in a report yesterday that an agreement is unlikely in the short term, in part because stalemate is welcome on both sides, but even if negotiations has expired. Closing it positively, the ramifications on supply will be seen as soon as next year: Brent crude at $93.

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