“This is what the letter Z means to Vladimir Putin” – Libero Quotidiano

“This is what the letter Z means to Vladimir Putin” – Libero Quotidiano

to me countercurrentOn the virtual sidewalk, he ends up there Francesca Donato, the pro-Russian and not-so-committee MEP who “be proud” of a long line of positions that supports her to the limits of the impossible. Or even further.

To point a finger at her, in the program conducted by Veronica Gentile On Rete 4, the episode on Wednesday, June 1st, it’s Alex Orlowskia cyber-propaganda expert and computer analyst who sees himself often and with pleasure a report, Rai 3. Orlovsky claims, in short, that the pro-Moscow propaganda accounts follow Donato. But she does not agree.

“I find all this discourse very imaginative – said Donato – in the meantime, the reconstruction that I have done on the meaning of Z: Can you give us some of the most substantial arguments? To say that the letter Z is a symbol of those who support the massacres seems to me an exaggeration, without serious argument,” he says, mocking the Z for Russians as something innocuous.

“But I’d say, even if that’s the case, what’s the point of creating this list? If it’s like saying: What music do people with a Z on their profile like to listen to, assuming they don’t give it a Z for a Z on their profile that means? What they say?, What meaning makes the arrangement? Who asked him to make this arrangement?Donato concludes a speech that is difficult to follow.

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