Draghi is not like Craxi in Sigonella, in Ukraine Italy should be independent from the United States

Draghi is not like Craxi in Sigonella, in Ukraine Italy should be independent from the United States

We all know that Mario Draghi He is a very reliable figure who came to the government at a very sensitive moment. Many also think that he could have been the best president of the republic, even better than Mattarella. Having said that, Draghi is not a politician, and does not answer to parties or voters, which the Prime Minister should do instead. Moreover, he has always been seen as pro-American. Here, then, its limits are shown. In the current context of Ukrainian issue Italy should have a more independent position than Uses.

Without questioning NATO, of course, but without subordination. Lately this independence has not been seen. Our interests are not the same as those of America. With reference to the ongoing war, the United State They have a desire to increase the sphere of political influence by bringing Ukraine into NATO: in fact, they are lukewarm whenever an opportunity for an immediate ceasefire appears. Moreover, the Uses Keen to celebrate and ratify the military disaster of Russia.

Not to mention the fact that the American economy has always supported itself also with the arms industry and peace, from this point of view, is the enemy of business. the Dragon not Craxi who in 1985 to Sigonella He had the political intent to spread the Carabinieri against American soldiers. The circumstances were different, no doubt, but it was an extraordinary test for the defense of our sovereignty and the independence of our judgment. Lack of politics is a complex that sooner or later reaches its climax.

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