6 ways to get smarter while you sleep, according to science

6 ways to get smarter while you sleep, according to science

Have you ever wondered how you can get smarter while you sleep? It may seem strange, but it is a question that many people ask themselves, and above all, it is a topic that science has studied and analyzed in many studies on the subject.

Experience teaches us, unfortunately, that you don’t need to be the brightest man in the world to be successful, but it is true that intelligence is essential. Contrary to popular belief, there is no limit to our intellectual abilities that we can develop and develop through study, memory exercises, or a series of relaxation and meditation practices such as meditation.

Sleep, as everyone should know, is an essential activity, to rest and restore the energy expended during the day, to protect our psychological balance, strengthen the brain, keep our cognitive abilities intact and prevent brain aging. better memory.

There are some useful tricks to get more benefits than just 8 hours of sleep in bed. The amount of time we have to learn to invest each day.

What you do right before bed can give your brain more power.

6 ways to get smarter while you sleep

You can get smarter with proper sleep


Sleeping the necessary number of hours

Sleep is not a thing for the elderly and is a vital physiological necessity. Those who claim they can do without it lie shamelessly. Science states that we all need a minimum of hours of sleep each night, and sleeping well has very positive effects on the body and mind.

according to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke In the United States, getting enough rest helps you focus better the next day and be more alert because, in addition to consolidating memories, it helps the brain form new neural connections.

pink noise

You may have heard about white noise before, white noisebut you still don’t know that of all the frequencies we can hear while we sleep, a little pink noise is also needed, pink noise. These are low-frequency sounds that are more powerful than white noise, according to a study published in 2017 on Frontiers in human neuroscienceStimulate our minds. According to the same study, when listening to pink noise, deep slow-wave sleep improves with positive effects on memory and brain performance.

Most people won’t notice much difference between white noise, pink noise, and brown, brown, or red noise. The only thing to be aware of is that pink noise has a “hissing” sound, brown noise has a “deep and quiet” sound, while white noise is somewhere in between.” healthy doctor Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona in Tucson. “Pink noise has the ability to induce certain patterns of brain waves that improve sleep.”


The sense of smell is very powerful, and as we’ve been taught by talented writers and psychologists, it can bring back memories and evoke important feelings and moments in our lives. Feeling the right smell while sleeping makes a big difference.

In a study published in to knowTwo groups of volunteers played a memory game while the room smelled of roses. After falling asleep, the researchers placed a rose scent in one group’s bedroom and found that those exposed to the scent were then able to remember the previous day’s activity better than those exposed to the scent. He smells the same smell while he sleeps.

Science knows that the olfactory system activates memories in the hippocampus, making it easier to store new information.

Drink some wine

The key word here is “measure”. According to a study published in Science ReportsDrinking wine in moderation, especially before bed, can aid the cognitive processes of the brain and strengthen our memory by better strengthening memories. Of course, we have to be careful about the amount of alcohol we drink, because too much of it risks negatively affecting our sleep cycles and preventing us from getting a good night’s rest.

Study before bed

If you want something to stay in your head, the best way to memorize it well is to study it before bed. A 2019 study published in current biologyHe argues that when we sleep, the brain can encode new information and store it for the long term. That is why it is recommended to get enough sleep and review what we want to learn before bed. The benefits are evident not only shortly before we abandon ourselves to Morpheus, but also a few hours before.

Avoid the midnight snack

2015 study, published in Neurology, lets us know that nighttime snacks affect circadian rhythms and the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory. The study even went so far as to show that if you’re hungry in the middle of the night, it could be a sign that you should have gone to bed earlier.

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