Zelensky returns to optimism with his promise to provide weapons to Ukraine

Zelensky returns to optimism with his promise to provide weapons to Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, has begun to regain the optimism and security he displayed in the first months after the Russian army's invasion. In a message published by the “X” social network, the president congratulated himself yesterday on the results of the meeting of the so-called Contact Group, where the European allies formulated new commitments regarding arms shipments, with his conviction that your country’s army is capable of doing so. And even regain the initiative on the battlefield if well supplied with war materials from the European Union and the United States.

There is good news that the Ukrainian head of state received from the Ramstein base, the headquarters of the US Air Forces in Europe, where meetings of the Slavic state allies have been held for two years. On the one hand, the long-range missiles, namely ATACMS, SCALP and Storm Shadow, were respectively provided by the United States, France and the United Kingdom. He warned that “no part of the occupied Ukrainian territory must remain safe for the occupier.”

Communication lines

This innovation is extremely important for the future capabilities of the Ukrainian army, because it allows it to even threaten the lines of communication that run along the land corridor between Donbass and Crimea, somewhat out of its reach so far, and even bridge over them. The Kerch Strait connecting the occupied peninsula with the territory of the Russian Federation. Specifically, the terrestrial continuity between the two parts of Ukrainian territory under Russian control since 2014 constitutes the only success so far of the Russian invasion that began in February 2022.

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Secondly, the Ukrainian president celebrated the imminent arrival of anti-aircraft systems that will allow establishing an effective shield against Russian attacks in his country.

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