Z Festival 2024 focuses on issues such as censorship and the taboo

Z Festival 2024 focuses on issues such as censorship and the taboo

Z Festival 2024 focuses on issues such as censorship and the tabooTristan Perez Martin

This year’s slogan is already well known festival g: “Misplaced”. from’July 11 to 14 In Girona and Salt A festival of live arts created by young people under 30 years old We will emphasize everything that happens outside the scene, everything that has been left out of the current scene and why: What is prohibited, censored, objectionable, obscene or offensive, others. In total, the programming of this edition will be hosted 16 tourism projects: 6 finished performances, 3 creations in process, 6 theatrical embryos, plus L’Última Merda Co·lectiu’s opening party performance activity, “The (Less) Out-of-Place Party of Z Festival: Friend Locate Yourself”.

The theatrical program of the Z Festival 2024 will pass from Theater of text, dance, installation or theater of objects. Opening the festival will be a party showcase activity in charge of the group The last shit: “The (less) out of place party at Z Festival: Friend, locate yourself.” The rest of the shows will be: “Am I Bruce Lee?” Kernel Dance TheaterWhere dance and arts expose racism and stereotypes on stage. “Pearl” from Francesca Vadell and Les Penis CompanyA tribute to working women who do not appear in history books. “Katrina” from Bald Woman CompanyGreetings to all grandmothers. “Wiggle!” DrArnau Perez; “Salbuvera” from Maya Triai I Marion James; I am “SOT”, from Daniela Brown and Edward ParedesWhere questions such as death, fate, and the meaning of existence will be asked.

Finally, the Z Festival also hosts a series of professional activities such as “The Imminent Future of Theater!”, six staged projects in pre-production at a gala hosted by actress Julia Isseren; “Dasyuk Z”; and “Aperitiuz Z Fem Matx!”

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A month before the start of the program, the Z Festival will take to the streets for a celebratory and reflective event in the Sant Narcís neighborhood of Girona. On June 6 at 6pm, songwriter Gloria Ribera and the companies of the 2024 edition will gather at Plaça de l’Assumpció to present everything surrounding this year’s edition or to chat about what occupies and worries the performing arts sector.

As is the case every year, the festival will have different festivals again Godparents, strategic professionals are open to youth creativity, to generate synergies with invited companies and facilitate collusion and intergenerational relationships. Godmothers for 2024 will be: Aina Joanetteproducer N.O. Ivanov; Anna GomezTechnician in Music and Dramatic Arts at the Cervantes Institute; Arnau VenusHead of Production and Professionals at Mostra Igualada; Cristina Cazorlaartistic director of Trapezi Reus; Emma Fernandezjournalist El Periodico; Margarida Truget and TowellVice President of ConNCA; Maria HervasTeatre Nu’s production company; Marta BarceloCo-Director of CINE and Ciclop Festival; Natalia Laurita, CEO of FiraTàrrega; I Sisu Veluder in Armengol, Eddie Lopez Marin I Mickey Pujol Balloand directors and promoters of the Efecte Mosquit collaborative social initiative.

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The festival was born in 2021 with the aim of contributing to vision and professionalism in the fields of visual and scenic culture. It is expected to serve as a platform to accompany and promote theatrical materials produced in Catalonia. In order to do this, it is committed to “maintaining an affordable schedule, allowing us to know and meet the diverse needs of each company, while offering them guidance and diverse training modules.” In addition, the festival hosts various professional activities complementary to the theater programme, with the aim of generating quality and employment opportunities.

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