With NATO’s involvement on the Russian front, “African Italy” will once again become a strategic center

With NATO’s involvement on the Russian front, “African Italy” will once again become a strategic center

When we think of Italy as a historical and geographical entity immersed in world destinies, we often forget that we are surrounded not only by the Mediterranean Sea, but with all our history we overlook that historical presence dating back thousands of years. In the Mediterranean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, which is North Africa: that complex of countries bordering that sea from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, from Morocco to Egypt, from Libya to Algeria, to Tunisia.

The Italian presence in those countries has not only been present for thousands of years, but has also been increasingly visible historically since the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with all the great transformations that these two centuries brought with them in the relations between Mediterranean Africa and Europe, in the colonial developments of extractive capitalism that fundamentally changed Deep horizons of the lives of those nations, those peoples, their social systems and systems of power. The presence of the large African and Middle Eastern migrants today heading from Italy towards northern Europe often makes us forget that in Mediterranean Africa, for centuries, European, and therefore primarily Italian, settlements were involved in the establishment of historical structures – the colonial politicians who still characterize all The diverse histories of the countries of that region today. Important and important Italian communities in that region of the African continent, which today live, work and make an important contribution to the political and economic life of those countries.

That is why we want to emphasize the Italian presence in those countries. It is historically reflected in the diversity of fate that accompanies the presence, no less significant and important, of the communities of those African countries that today arrive and live in Italy, thanks to the great transformation promoted by migration cycles characterized by extraordinary strength. In the last twenty years, the history of the entire Mediterranean, the Greater Middle East, Europe and Italy. In the coming years, this history will become present and future not only for Italy on the Mediterranean in Africa, but increasingly for all of Europe. Russia’s war of imperialist and imperialist aggression against Ukraine reclassifies the parallelogram vectors of European power. NATO’s southern flank would be weakened in favor of the Scandinavian-Baltic plexus, which would credit Poland with the historical role it played in the Central Centuries of transition from the Modern to the Contemporary, no longer suffering the fate that divided it. For a very long time. All of this is and will increasingly be attributed to the United Kingdom, by virtue of its nuclear power and its affiliation to the Anglosphere of its intelligence and military forces deployed in the Indo-Pacific, a decisive role aimed at degrading Germany since its rise to the world of power through economics. And the industrial agreement with Russia and China: The United States cannot accept this rise in its global hegemony, which it constantly fuels.

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But in the Mediterranean, and this is the importance of our thinking, the destinies of the world continue to unravel unabated. And with significant changes of planetary frequency. China and Russia are encircling North and Sub-Saharan Africa with their power extensions in an anti-French, anti-Egyptian, and (in Libya) anti-Italian way, and are also promoting that appeasement between the Shiite and Saudi powers that, if achieved, will succeed. It would reshape the Arab-Palestinian-Israeli relationship in a profound and irreversible way. Moreover, Assad’s reassertion of his authority in Syria represents a major deficiency on the part of large and medium-sized Western powers. The Abrahamic Charter is a response to this disintegration of power relations also in the Mediterranean region.

Moreover, what concerns us is an interpretive modernity based on a “concrete-abstract-concrete” epistemological circularity: understanding changes in history not in a kind of geopolitical bubble separated from business-making, cultures, social relations and communication, but with an expressive intensity drawn from sources that give meaning to the history of the present. : Interviews, research and testimonies not only from scholars but from all actors in social, global and national life. We must and want to understand. And it is useful to understand this, because Italy is Italy even outside of Italy, and Italy, as in its millennia-long history, is a population that has settled or is settling within our borders and within European borders in recent years. History is always a story of flows and relationships. It is a history of settlements and transformations that characterize the lives of nations and the cultures of the universes – the worlds in which our lives are immersed.

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This arrangement of world history between Europe and Mediterranean Africa is a constant exchange between worlds, not diversity and contrast as we continue to do and think today. Thus we deprive ourselves of a comprehensive vision of the history of the world of which Italy is a part. Italians live and work in those lands, and we need to know more about the economic and social structure, cultures, and religious and social practices in the broadest sense. Each of these historical presences has a double face: many Italians work in Morocco and many Moroccans work in Italy, and the same applies to the mutual presence between Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt. We have an exciting mission to bring meaningful, interconnected worlds made up of layers and layers of multi-faceted stories and experiences to life. It is our source of inspiration: it is our goal for study, accurate and in-depth journalistic information, documentation and creativity; A view that is the view of comprehensive anthropology and sociology: an analysis based on research, and therefore on the word and the search for the connotations of those “universal worlds” in which societies live and work thanks to which. It’s a communication mission we’re passionate about and unique to us.

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