Why should you avoid diets based on only one food?

Why should you avoid diets based on only one food?

Mono diets, also known as mono-nutrition diets or individual diets, today promise ideal body image and health that are praised on social networks, but in reality They have centuries of tradition.

For example, the English poet Lord Byron popularized the vinegar diet in the 19th century, a method of reducing appetite that left him with nothing but skin and bones. for them The harmful effects have already appeared In 1733, when physician Pierre Desseu published the clinical case of a French woman named Mademoiselle Labanetterie, who died a month after following this harmful practice.

From the apple diet to the watermelon diet

Without going too far, Many of these restricted systems have enjoyed good luck During the past fifty years. In Japan, in the 1970s, the apple diet appeared, which supposedly removes toxins from the body and promotes rapid weight loss. In those same years, the lemon diet—known as the “master cleanse diet”—promised to remove toxins from the body through the exclusive consumption of this citrus fruit, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

The grapefruit and egg diet was also beginning to gain followers in the United States at this time. Celebrities like Elvis Presley, Brooke Shields, and Jennifer Aniston have faced this weight-loss procedure. They then took over the diet of potatoes (in the 1980s in Europe), watermelon or watermelon in Algiers (in the 1990s in the United States) or bananas (early 2000s in Australia).

Countless negative effects

Currently, many mono-diet diets are still popular –GrapefruitPeanuts, rice, etc., which promise very fast results. But are they healthy and safe? The short answer is no.

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First, because they are based on a single food or a small group of foods, these diets are simple and contain little variety, limiting calorie and nutrient intake. Despite the lack of empirical evidence, science does show up What It can cause malnutritionAnemia, osteoporosis, nutrient toxicity, and muscle catabolism (destruction).

Other problems associated with these practices include digestive disorders such as constipation and diarrhea, fatigue and worsening mood, in addition to eating and eating disorders.

In addition, it is promoted as a quick way to lose weight, when the decrease in body mass is due to loss of water and muscle, rather than loss of fat. Because they are restrictive, they are difficult to follow in the long term.

For all the reasons mentioned above, it is important to consult a health professional before making any major dietary changes. Nutrition experts have expressed concern about the effects of these slightly varied options and have recommended avoiding them.

Healthy and sustainable options

Although some find benefits in mono-diets, healthy and sustainable diets are those that include a variety of nutritious foods in appropriate proportions. It is important to keep this in mind There is no perfect type of nutrition For all people in the world. Ultimately, it will depend on individual needs and food availability.

One of the options that has scientific support is the Mediterranean diet, which relies on consuming foods rich in fiber and healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, fish and vegetables. It has proven its effectiveness in losing weight and preventing chronic diseases in European and African countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Although it can also be adapted in other regions of the world.

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Another interesting alternative is the DASH diet (short for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), which focuses on consuming fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Study published in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics It found that participants who followed it lost more weight than those who followed a typical South American diet.

Another healthy and sustainable option is the Scandinavian diet, typical of Nordic countries, which is based on local and seasonal foods, such as fish, berries, whole grains and vegetables. It’s installed Which can promote a reduction in inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases.

Finally, the traditional Asian diet, which focuses on the consumption of rice, fish, vegetables, and green tea, He got engaged With a lower incidence of chronic diseases and a lower rate of obesity.

Characterization and health effects of mono-diets and their healthy alternatives. From the author

in general, Healthy and sustainable food systems They prioritize plant-based and whole-grain foods and rely on traditional eating patterns that emphasize the use of local and seasonal produce. It must be remembered that any system* to control body weight or aimed at treating any disease must be personalized and supervised by nutritionists, and this in some cases requires medical supervision.

Nadia San Onofre BernatLaboratory of Food and Health PDI-University of Valencia // Associate Professor at the Master’s in Nutrition and Health at the University of Valencia, University of Valencia; Eva Maria Tricastro LopezContract Doctor. Doctorate in Public Health. Nutritionist, University of Alicante; Jose Miguel Soriano del CastilloProfessor of Nutrition and Rheumatology, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Valencia I Mary Immaculate Zarzo LobelDoctor of Medicine student, University of Valencia

[Aquest article es publicà originalment en The Conversation.]

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