Who is Leontine Snell, the mother of the famous Nathalie Caldonazzo: age, career and children

Who is Leontine Snell, the mother of the famous Nathalie Caldonazzo: age, career and children

Leontine Snell she is a mother Natalie Caldonazzo. Women, in turn, are very famous, let’s find out why.

He was the current competitor of big brother vip To follow in the footsteps of his mother, who in the past achieved great success.

Let us go, then, to trace the main stages of his private and professional life.

Who is Leontine Snell, mother of Nathalie Caldonazzo?

Leontine Snell She was a Dutch dancer but of Indian origin. Thanks to her talent, she became a very famous dancer and choreographer.

She started her career at a very young age. She was only 15 years old when she took the Lido Theater in Paris.

Within a few years, in addition to being very famous, she also became the first woman in the famous Blue Bells.

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In an interview published a few years ago on the interview-obsessed site, he recounted the feelings of that first time.

She made her debut at the age of 15. Out of fear I forgot the steps and the movements: clumsy. Feathers fetched me and I’ve never worn thin-heeled shoes. What a suffering.”

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on the daughter Natalie Caldonazzo TV personality said,I feel so much tenderness and affection, because she gave herself so much to do“.

At that time she also talked about being the mother of a well-known and famous TV personality.

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I’m so glad, because the other girls on TV come to me automatically, at my dance school. Gigliola Singuetti, Barbara Dorso, Monica Giritor and many other actresses, because they need them for work, come to my school. They come to me and that is plus an advantage, I must say I am very happy to teach them something.”

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