What will the process be like in Congress and the Senate?

This Tuesday marks the beginning of parliamentary processing of the amnesty law. This will begin a journey that will lead to the text agreed upon with the pro-independence parties being presented to Congress and the Senate. In the Senate, he will face the absolute majority of the People’s PartyWhich you intend to delay processing.

However, the Spanish government’s expectations are just that It was fully approved in March. The ERC is considering whether to introduce amendments to the text agreed by Junts and the PSOE to give it maximum legal certainty and ensure that any pro-independence reprisals are not excluded from the amnesty.

178 deputies in his favour

Pedro Sanchez wanted to speed up the approval of the proposed amnesty law, which It will be processed through the emergency route To reduce deadlines as much as possible.

The plenary session will give the green light to process the law, which received votes in favor of the parties that facilitated the inauguration (PSOE, Sumar, Podem, PNB, EH-Bildu, ERC, Junts and BNG) with the exception of the Workers’ Party. The Canary coalition will add 178 deputies, which is a sufficient majority.

The People’s Party wants to highlight the socialists

The People’s Party is putting pressure on the Socialists, and as happened during the handling of penal reform, the Populists will come forward again this time Voting must be done by voice vote.

Secretary General of the People’s Party, Coca GamarraHe says that in this way, each of the Socialist deputies, whom he accuses of rigging the elections, will have to “show their faces,” and adds that “they will be the first to not keep their word by not agreeing to the amnesty.” Parliament’s rules allow a vote to be held by calling MPs if requested by one-fifth of the plenary session, a condition met by the People’s Party.

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For her part, the Spanish government spokeswoman said: Pilar AlegriaHe accused the popular demand, but stressed that there would be no split within the ranks of the socialists.

The ERC is considering introducing amendments

Once it passes the vote in the first plenary session, the rule will go into the file The corresponding committee so that both parties can submit amendments In the text that was recorded, what they agreed and signed in Brussels with the Socialist Workers’ Party.

That Carles Puigdemont They defend the text and confirm that they will not submit amendments. Secretary General of the Party, Jordi TurolHe asserts that nearly half of the text is a contribution to his training.

Before negotiating with Junts, the Socialist Workers’ Party agreed with the ERC on an amnesty law that should also include the Democratic Tsunami and the CDRs of Operation Judes, but they did not close any text of the rule, as they did with the Socialists together.

Republicans To study the text that PSOE They agreed with Genz to protect it legally and ensure that there are no loopholes that prevent it from being applied in all cases of suppression of independence. Therefore, they do not rule out presenting amendments, while warning that the political agreement for amnesty is not in danger.

For their part, both PSOE and Junts warned that they were not prepared to accept substantive changes to the text and would only be willing to make technical amendments.

PP is trying to delay processing

Once the journey through Congress is complete, the bill will move to the Senate, which has done so 20 calendar days to approve urgent initiatives. But the People’s Party imposed a reform of the Senate’s rules to give it the power to decide whether or not it is appropriate to apply emergency measures to law proposals sent by Congress. from here, The popularity could delay the bill’s processing in the Senate For up to two months, which is the limit for non-urgent projects.

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Once the amnesty law is approved, judges will have to implement it “preferentially and expeditiously.” The law gives them a maximum of two months to make a decision, and even if appeals are filed, the process cannot be suspended.

Amnesty Organization embraces A Temporary period Which extends from 2012 until the day of registration in the law register, November 13.

Her consent must allow all crimes related to the operation to be forgotten, as are all Organizing and financing the 2014 consultation I 2017 referendum And all those related activities that have been considered a crime. And also the reasons for accounting responsibility in Audit BureauAnd also Protests resulting from the rulingespecially The cause of the democracy tsunamicomplicated on terrorism charges, and Deposit records.

The law does not refer to legal warfareAlthough the concept appears in the political agreement between Junts and PSOE subject to a series of parliamentary committees. In fact, the SWP denies the existence of such political persecution and asserts that it is the judges who will have to determine whether the amnesty law affects reasons beyond the process.

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