Govt-19: WHO wants ban on booster dose to combat inequality

Govt-19: WHO wants ban on booster dose to combat inequality

Faced with the gap between rich countries and poor countries with high levels of anti-Govt vaccines, poor countries that were only able to vaccinate a small portion of their populations, the WHO on Wednesday called for a ban on the booster dose in an effort to restore some unity. Balance.

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“We urgently need to change things: the majority of vaccines go to rich countries, the majority to poor countries,” said Geneva Tetros Adonom Caprais, director of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Germany and Israel have already announced campaigns for a third dose for vaccines that require two initial doses. This “booster dose” is designed specifically for the elderly, and despite its vaccination the immune system does not always produce enough antibodies.

In May, the head of the UN agency called for an effort to “reach at least the end of September” in an effort to achieve his goal: 10% of the world’s population should be vaccinated against Govt-19, which has officially killed more than 4.2 million since the end of 2019.

Everyone’s cooperation

“To get there, we need the cooperation of all, especially some countries and organizations that control global vaccine production.”

In particular, he called on drug groups to promote the Covax system, which was set up to help fight vaccine inequality and help 92 poorer countries vaccinate their people.

For now, Kovacs has been unable to carry out its mission due to a shortage of the drug and was only able to distribute a small portion of what was initially planned due to the inability to purchase the required vaccines or the supply was blocked. We have to fight the epidemic in India.

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However, the organization was able to benefit from tens of millions of doses of the vaccine offered by the United States, but also by many (or non-compliant) countries, such as France and other European countries.

Of the 4 billion paid worldwide, 80% went to high- and middle-income countries, while they make up less than 50% of the world’s population.

Dr. Bruce Aylward, in-charge of Kovacs at the WHO, acknowledged that the end of September was an ambitious goal that would not be achieved if we continued at the current pace.

Israel launched a campaign last week to give a third dose to people over 60, and Germany plans to launch its campaign on September 1 for the elderly and vulnerable.

“Our goal is twofold: we want to provide a third vaccine to vulnerable people in Germany, while at the same time extending our support for the vaccine to all the population of the world if possible,” Kovacs told the German Ministry of Health AFP, which gave the spokesman a dose of ten million.

Kate O’Brien, head of the WHO’s Vaccines, questioned the effectiveness of the 3rd drug for its part.

“We don’t have complete evidence as to whether we need it or not,” he said.

“Prices should go down”

The WHO has asked companies to try another front: prices.

Pfizer and Moderna have produced the best ambassador RNA vaccines on the market in record time, increasing dose prices for the EU because they have adapted their sera to variations.

Mariangela Simao, who is in charge of accessing drugs at the WHO, recalled that “it is very important for companies to train at affordable prices.”

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“Under a normal market environment, prices should fall, not increase,” he said, recalling that both Pfizer and Moderna have succeeded not only in increasing their productivity but also in their productivity.

“We urge you to keep these companies affordable and affordable,” he stressed.

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